Chapter 10

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Shorter chapter but you'll thank me for it. CW for some heated kissing.

"I mean... we like each other. We kissed. We sat down and admitted our feelings. We did all of those things, but we're not together for that exact reason."

"And, what reason exactly are you referring to?"

"That life is complicated, Lauren stated factually. "And sometimes things don't work out, or it just isn't the right time."

Joey shrugged, his mind now traveling at a million miles a minute. What had just happened? A moment ago they were discussing Joe and Brian... now she wanted to talk about the two of them, and their drama? "I mean... are you sure about that?"

Lauren raised an eyebrow at him. "Am I sure about whether or not my life is complicated?"

"No, that's not what I'm referring to." Joey glanced down at the puzzle, fiddling with the piece in his hands as he mentally slapped himself for not being clearer. He really didn't want to ask Lauren this question, but he needed to know the answer. "I meant whether or not you're sure that you actually like me."

Lauren's scowl melted away, her face softening. "What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I like you Joey. What about that night makes you think that I don't have feelings for you? I told you that I do."

"It's not that night." Joey answered shortly, desperately wanting to change the conversation. If they kept talking about this, there was a very good chance that he was going to start crying.

"Then what is it? Hey, come on." Lauren put the puzzle piece down, reaching across the table and taking his hand in hers. "You can talk to me about this. I promise. Be honest, I won't get upset with you."

Joey sighed, staring down at her hand in his. He'd give anything for it to mean something, for it to be real. "We just never really talked about it again after that night... and now a few weeks have gone by... I guess at this point I kinda figured that the whole us kissing and admitting that we like each other thing was just a fluke for you."

"Oh." Was all Lauren could say, truly taken aback. She closed her eyes, searching herself. She really wished that her feelings made sense so that she could better explain them to him. "I mean, I-I just don't know where you'd come up with that. I meant everything that I told you that night. Was it a fluke for you?"

Joey scoffed. "Of course not, are you kidding? Like—and I'm in no way trying to guilt you or anything, this is just me being honest about how I feel... but that night and what we discussed is all I've been thinking about ever since, and I feel like that's just not true with you. Which again, is completely fine, there's nothing wrong with that. You have every right to not feel the same way. But yeah... in my opinion it just really looks like you've moved past this."

Lauren was quiet for a long time, not letting go of his hand. She tried to catch his eye, but he wouldn't look at her. "You've, you've thought about it everyday?"

Joey felt his face flush from embarrassment as he forced himself to make eye contact with her. He probably was giving too much away, but then again he'd lost his dignity when it came to Lauren Lopez a long time ago. He gulped, before nodding. "I meant it when I told you that I don't want anybody else Lo." He glanced down at their hands, where her thumb was rubbing up and down against his. His heart ached at the fact that he would never be hers. "You're the only girl in the world for me." He went to pull his hand back, but Lauren clung on to his as if she'd fall off the earth if he let go. Joey looked up, meeting her big brown eyes, which were pouring into his intensely.

She crawled around the table to him, until they were face to face, noses inches apart. She let go of his hand, bringing both of hers to his face. Then without warning, she brought her lips to his and kissed him softly.

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