Chapter 58

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"God this is so fucked up," Joey whined, wrapping his arms around Lauren. The two were hanging out in the choir room, having one last golden moment together before Lauren left Hatchetfield High forever. "I don't want you to graduate."

"I would lie and say that I don't want to graduate, but I respect you too much to lie to you." Lauren teased him. "However, I am upset about the idea of no longer attending school with you. I'll never find a better fuck buddy."

Joey rolled his eyes at their codename, hugging her tighter against him. "Can you even believe that you're letting me cuddle you in the choir room?" Joey asked. "Because I can't, but I'm not complaining."

"I honestly can't," Lauren told him honesty, stroking his arms gently. "I also can't believe the idea that we're not going to be able to have our puzzle time together anymore."

"Oh right! I got you a gift." Joey released Lauren to reach into his backpack, pulling out two puzzles. "For us. I thought that maybe we can keep puzzle night alive by doing this damn thing together over FaceTime or something?"

Lauren inspected the puzzle, her smile softening at the wide Michigan 'M' logo. "Jesus Christ it's all blue."

"Go blue," Joey teased, leaning over and kissing the back of her head.

She glanced up at him, touched by the gift. "I love you you know." Lauren told him. "And I know it sounds dumb and cliché, but I really think that we got this with the long distance."

"Yeah? I love you too." Joey responded, cupping her face and bringing their lips together. "And as dumb and cliché as it sounds, I know that we got this."


"God fuck this is depressing," Joe stated bleakly, removing items from his gym locker and placing them into the box Brian was holding.

"Honestly? I thought cleaning out your gym locker would be sexy," Brian told him. "But it's sort of gross."

"Eat me," Joe responded.

"Eh, I don't know about that. But I'll definitely fuck you."

Joe froze, staring at his boyfriend, who had an innocent grin on his face. "Do not get me turned on in public, so help me god."

"Does this count as in public? It's the end of the school year, it's after school, we're definitely the only ones here."

Joe sighed as he continued to remove items. "God, what a year. Can you believe that it's over?"

"Can I believe that it's over?" Brian reiterated. "Yes, but can I believe that this is my real life? A different story."

Joe smirked as he closed his gym locker. "How so?"

"Like, if you had told me nine months ago that by the end of this school year that I'd lose my virginity to that hot junior from the lord of the rings play, I would've thought you were fucking with me."

"Hey, I'm more than the guy who you had sex for the first time with," Joe shot back defensively, winking at him. "And definitely more than 'the hot Junior from the lord of the rings play.'"

"Yeah yeah yeah you're my first love and all," Brian teased dismissively. "Still not as insane to me as the concept of having sex—maybe that's why I wanted to wait for as long as I did, because it was such a big deal."

Joe leaned over, kissing his cheek affectionately before resuming emptying out his locker. "Well, I hope it was worth the wait for you," He told him. "Because I wouldn't have traded that moment together for anything."

"You know that it was," Brian shot back, leaning against the next door locker, his arms beginning to ache from holding the box Joe was loading his things into. "If I didn't make it incredibly obvious during."

"Oh no, you made it very clear," Joe teased, winking at him. "Especially when you started thanking me—I've never been praised so highly for my bedroom skills in my life. That definitely went straight to my ego."

Brian blushed horrifically, rolling his eyes. "Fuck, now I'm getting turned on. Why do you do this to me?"

"I didn't do anything!" Joe whined, giggling.

"You're you. You exist. You're hot. Ergo it's your fault." Brian said matter-of-factly.

"Shut up," Joe teased, closing his locker door. He stared at his boyfriend longingly, running a hand through his hair. "I really don't know how I'm going to go to college and do school without you for two years."

"The same way you do school now; by being awesome." Brian reassured.

Joe glanced around nervously, even though he knew that no one was around—they'd purposefully come after school to ensure Joe didn't run into anyone who would give them trouble. "Hey, come with me." Joe said mischievously, taking the box from Brian and placing it on the ground. "We'll come back for that."

"Where are we going?" Brian asked in confusion as he followed Joe through the locker room.

Joe remained silent until he reached the showers, grabbing a towel. "I just realized something super awesome about being gay."

"Do tell?" Brian asked in confusion.

"I'm going to take a shower." Joe told him innocently.

"Okay?" Brian responded as Joe tossed him a towel.

"And you're going to take one too."

"But I don't need to shower."

"Well that's too bad," Joe sighed. "Because I was hoping that maybe after awhile we could consolidate down to one shower."

Brian didn't say anything for a moment, struck to the bone as it dawned on him what Joe was suggesting. "Oh? As in you and me... in a shower... together?"

"We'd been conserving water," Joe told him casually. "Shouldn't we do right by the earth? Or do you not care about saving the planet?"

"No, that's important!" Brian stammered. "Save the planet, saving water... it's like that annoying Greenpeace girl always says... 'be the change you want to see in the world!'"

"Damn, I've got you super flustered," Joe teased, walking up to him and wrapping his arms around his waist. "What the fuck are you saying?" He laughed, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "You're adorable. So, do you wanna? Offer expires in three, two, one—"

Brian shut him up with a kiss, wrapping his arms around Joe's shoulders. He was flushing horrifically. "Let's, let's do it... as long as we agree that what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom."

Joe laughed, kissing him back. "You're goddamn right it does."

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