Chapter 25

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"Zoey, stop. Please."

"Or what? What are you going to do to stop me?" She giggled maliciously. Joe whipped his head away from her, closing his eyes tight. He tugged against his restraints, finding to his surprise that they were no longer above his head, but pulled out to the side. He opened his eyes, finding that Zoey was no longer sitting on top of him. Instead, the spider was continuing her descent, growing closer and closer to him.

Joe's breath hitched inside of his throat, his hair standing up on the back of his neck. He looked to the side, finding that thousands of tiny spiders were spinning a web around his wrists, tying him down. He tugged desperately against the restraints, but he knew in his heart that it was no use.

He glanced back up, finding to his horror that the spider was hanging just a few mere inches above him, hovering directly over his head. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for her to descend onto him, but to his surprise she remained in her current position, as if waiting for the proper moment to attack.

Joe continued to stare up at her in terror, finding that for the first time, he could clearly make out the spiders features. He'd noticed in the past that the spider was a shiny, glossy black color, with long legs that allowed her to easily maneuver her way through the web. What he hadn't been able to see before was the red-orange pattern on her abdomen. As the spider spun around in a circle, Joe watched the pattern, finding that it reminded him of an hourglass; flipping over to signal that time was running out. He'd had plenty of time to escape, but there was no getting out now. It was only a matter of time before he got burned in the web that he'd spun for her.


"You know we're going to get caught." Joey stated, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"No we're not," Lauren dismissed, rolling her eyes. "Who else would be here before seven o'clock in the fucking morning?"

"Fair enough," Joey said with a shrug, happily bringing his lips back to hers. "I thought we were coming to school early to practice?"

"What do you think we're doing right now?" Lauren teased, before deepening their kiss.

"Mhm, you're sneaky Lopez." Joey whispered, pulling her closer to him. "I love it."

They were in one of the dressing rooms of the theatre building, making out in the dark before the start of a long school day. Lauren had told Joey that she had to go to school early to do some quote-on-quote "theatre president things" and had invited him to come to school with her, saying that maybe they could practice for Glee together if she had extra time. "I'm not being sneaky, I resent that accusation Jojo." Lauren stated, playfully pushing him away. "I told you I had to do theatre president things; one of those things is cleaning up and organize the dressing rooms."

"Mhm, and what exactly does what we're doing right now doing to contribute to dressing room maintenance?"

"I'm testing the durability of these counters." She stated confidently, wiggling around and kicking her feet.

"Ah, of course. Obviously that's why you're sitting on it." Joey teased. As soon as Lauren had made her intentions for inviting him to come with her early to school clear, he'd scooped the short girl up and placed her on the counter so that they could comfortably make out without their height difference being an issue. "And here I thought you were using the counter to engage is mischievous activities."

"As the president? Never." She stated in a mocking tone, trailing her kisses from his lips over to his cheek. "But I mean, if you don't think it's helping... Do you want me to get down Joey?" She asked, leaning forward and kissing his neck lightly.

The Web I Spin for You ~ Richpez & Rosenwalker Where stories live. Discover now