Chapter 47

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Fluffy chapter—it's overdue

"So how long has Joey officially been your boyfriend?" Joe asked.

"I just got suspended and this is what we're taking about?"

"Are you kidding?" Darren asked. "Yes congrats you beat the shit out of Zoey and got suspended. Next time you're going to beat someone up, don't do it during school hours." He teased. "Now how long has this been going on? I mean yeah you guys kissed in front of us the other day, but I mean... I swear to god I figured that that was the first kiss. But I know you, and there's no freaking way you would've already put a label on it. This has been going on for awhile."

"You didn't seem like you were going to get with him when we gave you your intervention." Joe stated.

"Oh my fucking god, you losers with that intervention." Lauren groaned. "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you guys."

"How could Brian not tell me?" Joe exclaimed. "We were in cahoots on getting you guys together. I'm actually hurt."

"He didn't know." Lauren explained. "Joey didn't tell him. We were strict on not telling anyone."

"I can't picture Joey not telling Rosenthal," Darren stated. "Those two are thick as thieves. Joe, have you ever asked your boyfriend to keep a secret from Joey?"

Joe had in fact, asked Brian to keep a very specific secret from Joey, and he really didn't need Darren putting that doubt into his head. "He did, but he might already know at this point. Lopez, how much did you tell Joey?"

"Uh, everything?" She said nervously. "You were okay with that, right?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering before telling Darren." Joe stated, a sense of anxiety beginning to crawl over him as they pulled into Joey's driveway.

"Tell me what?" Darren asked.

"Uh... everything that Zoey did to me. Like, everything."

"Oh," Darren paused, awkwardly running a hand through his hair. "You uh, you already told me."

"What? No I didn't." Joe said defensively.

"Yeah, you did that day you were really drunk at my house," Darren stated. "When we got into that really heated debate about Reylo."

Joe truly didn't have any memory from most of that day apart from that night with Brian once he had sobered up, but part of him wasn't surprised to learn that the first person he'd told had actually been his best friend. "Everything?" He asked tentatively. "Like, involving... all the different ways she abused me?"

"Uh... yeah." Darren responded gently. "Everything."

"Okay well... did you tell anyone?" Joe asked.

"Of course not." Darren responded. "You told me not to."

Joe breathed out a sigh of relief. "Then neither did Brian. Even to Joey. I think the two of them actually managed to keep secrets from each other for once."


"Jesus fucking Christ," Lauren stated, angrily lifting a bag of ice to Joey's temple. "I should've hit Zoey harder."

"The fact that you did that..." Joey started. "I don't even know where to begin. Badass as hell."

Lauren rolled her eyes, leaning in and kissing him in front of Joe, Brian, Corey, and Darren without a care in the world. "Whoa, Lo." Joey started, taken aback by the sudden PDA. "I thought what you did the other day was a one time thing," he started.

"Darren and Joe know," Lauren stated, smiling softly at him as she took a seat on his lap. "So if you haven't already, you can tell your bestie."

"He didn't," Brian stated. "But Joe texted me right after you said it to Zoey."

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