Chapter 36

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Who's ready for a 3 part chapter? :)
TW mentions of Robert Manion

"Can someone please fucking walk me through this set list again?"

"Rosenthal, help your boyfriend before I smack him please." Holden responded, straightening out his tie in the tiny mirror they had brought from the dressing rooms.

The Hatchetfield High Glee club was currently behind the "stage" that had been set up for them in the gym. For not the first time, they had been recruited to perform at a school function. In this case, it was the Sadie Hawkins dance.

Joe had mixed feelings on this particular Glee club performance. On one hand, it forced him to get out of his house and go to the damn dance. On the other hand, it was forcing him to go to the dance.

Despite the fact that it had been the only thing on his mind, he and his boyfriend had yet to come to a decision as to how they wanted to portray themselves at the dance. In the midst of his anxiety, Joe continued to feverishly pace around behind the curtain that had been set up for them. He couldn't shake his stress over the fact that somewhere on the other side, Zoey was likely lurking around.

"Joe, don't stress," Brian reassured, walking up behind him and placing his hands on his shoulders to stop his pacing. "The freshmen and sophomores are going to be handling most of it."

Joe froze, breathing out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "You're a sophomore, so actually that fact does stress me out." Joe retorted, turning his charm on. "How am I supposed to spend the entire evening trying to get into your pants if you're busy performing?"

Brian rolled his eyes, resting his chin on Joe's shoulder. "You act like that's something you have to work for." He whispered, allowing a small smile to spread on to his face. "Would it be such a horrific idea if we just stayed back here during our down time?"

"Probably not." Joe told him honestly. "More privacy." He teased.

Brian rolled his eyes, pulling Joe down to sit on the floor with him. "I think you know that that's not what I was saying that for." He teased, smiling at him.

"It probably would also save us a lot of stress in terms of you-know-who." Joe stated, wrapping an arm around Brian. "But we'd miss the evident Lauren and Joey drama that's about to go down."

"Ooh, you're right. Definitely can't miss that." Brian told him in agreement, reaching down and taking his hand in his. "So we're in agreement that we're going out there after the opening group numbers?"

Joe squeezed Brian's hand back in response, resting his head on his shoulder. "Us against the world."


"I think this damn quartet might be the final nail in the coffin." Lauren whispered to Joey anxiously as they exited the stage. The glee club had just finished the opening group number to kick off the dance. Despite it going against her better judgement, Meredith had talked her into participating in a quartet for a cover of The River of Dreams, that consisted of her, Joey, Meredith, and Holden.

"You do? Why?" Joey asked in genuine confusion as Robert and Mariah took center stage for the first of their many duets they were going to be performing as some of the only freshmen in the club.

"I mean, it's us along with Brian and Meredith, who everyone knows are a couple. You don't think that that's sorta a giveaway?"

Joey snickered, wrapping an arm around her. "I think that you're maybe being just a little bit paranoid?"

Lauren shimmied out of his arm, looking around nervously at their fellow glee clubbers who were backstage with them. "I, I don't know. It doesn't help that we're obviously here together." Lauren stated.

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