Chapter 27

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Super long sexy chapter👀 CW this is probably the most adult this book is going to get (heated kissing, some hand stuff). TW that Joe has some flashbacks throughout.

"God fuck that was awkward," Joe stated as he walked into his bedroom, shutting and locking it for good measure.

"Ha, what happened?" Brian asked. The younger boy was laying down on his back on Joe's bed, scrolling through tumblr.

"Ugh, don't worry about it," Joe stated, not wanting Brian to stress over the fact that his parents definitely knew about them. "Now, where were we?" He asked, crawling onto the bed until he was on top of Brian.

Brian had a huge grin on his face as he continued looking at his phone, acting as if he didn't notice Joe on top of him at all. "Wanna see these hilarious fucking Lord of the Rings memes I'm enjoying?"

"You're not funny," Joe teased, gently pushing Brian's phone out of his way. "You are cute though," he whispered, before crashing their lips together, kissing him passionately.

"Mhm, is your dad leaving?" Brian asked as Joe tilted his head back.

"Yeah, don't worry." Joe reassured, before bringing their lips back together. "Just you and me baby." He elected to leave out the fact that his father definitely knew what they were up to. "I am going to need your full attention for this." He said sternly, kissing him deeply and running his hands through Brian's hair. "So no distractions Rosenthal." He teased, sitting up and taking his cell phone out of his hand, which he had been drifting out to the side awkwardly.

"Thank you for freeing up my hands." Brian said excitedly, sitting up as Joe placed both of their cell phones on his bedside table. Brian reached down, grabbing the rim of Joe's T-shirt and pulling it up. Joe helped him, finishing pulling it up and over his head as Brian immediately started running his hands over his chest and abs. "God, yes!" The younger boy yelled, giggling. "Fuck, I still can't get over this, like... you're so fucking hot, and I actually get to see and touch up close. It's not real dude, like, this isn't my life."

Joe rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing the top of Brian's head gently. "They're just abs, you see them everyday in the mirror.

"God no, not like yours." Brian stated without looking up at Joe, engrossed with his body. "Fuck, and your pecs, your arms, every inch of you is so fucking perfect."

'You're perfect Joe. You're my perfect, perfect man.'

Joe shook her voice out of his head as Brian continued rambling. Joe reached down and started removing his T-shirt, focusing his mind on staying in the moment. "And that's just your upper body, don't even fucking get me started on the bottom half."

"What if I want you to get started with my bottom half?" Joe asked Brian smoothly, before reconnecting their lips, kissing him intensely. He lowered himself, spreading his legs and laying Brian down so that he was back to being on top of him, but this time his legs were tightly wrapped around his waist. He rocked his hips against his, both boys moaning as they continued to make out.

"So, err, um, how far do you, do you want to take this?" Brian asked nervously, part of him still feeling like something was off with Joe.

"As far as you're comfortable." Joe stated, traveling over to start kissing his neck gently. "I want you so fucking bad, I'll take as much as I can get."

"I want you too baby," Brian reassured, gently cupping Joe's cheek so that he would stop kissing his neck and look up at him. "But we, shouldn't we be careful after what happened last time? I thought we'd agreed that we were good with our current boundaries."

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