Chapter 34

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TW for violence yeah y'all know how this goes

Brian groaned, desperately rubbing his eyes even though he knew that there was no getting rid of the sleepiness in them. "I can't do gym right now."

"Look alive, good buddy." Joey commented, playfully punching his arm. "How come you're so tired? You were basically dead during trig and even during Glee you only looked half alive."

Brian shook his head. "It's nothing. I knew that this would happen."

Joey raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, so clearly it is something."

Brian felt his ears begin to turn red. "It's... personal."

"So personal that you can't tell your best friend?" Joey asked Brian quizzically as they entered the boy's locker room. "Now you have me worried."

"Personal in a different way." Brian reassured as he opened his locker. He bit his bottom lip, debating how much he should tell his best friend. "It's... adult stuff."

Joey cocked his head at Brian in confusion, before breaking into a laugh. "Wait... you mean like sex?" Joey laughed again, brushing his hair out of his face.

"Okay, I'm not telling you about this." Brian stated, pulling his T-shirt up over his head.

"You have to enlighten me. Why's your body free of hickeys if it was sexual? What did you guys do that has you this tired so many hours later? And since when is that not the sort of thing we share with each other?"

"I'm tired because we were up late." Brian stated, already beginning to feel embarrassed. "Til like three in the morning."

"Oh?" Joey asked excitedly as he pulled his gym shirt on. "Did you two have an innocent little sleepover or something? Perks of being gay I guess."

"Oh please, as if I could mentally handle something like that," Brian answered, slamming his locker shut, more intensely than he'd meant to. "Or that Joe's parents would ever allow it—I'm like seventy-five percent sure that they know about us."

"Okay so then... what adult activities were you doing until three in the morning?" Joey asked, closing his locker with slightly less force than Brian had.

Brian buried his face into his hands. "Ugh, why am I telling you this?"

"Because we tell each other everything." Joey reminded him, leaning against his locker. "And because you love me. Now come on, spill the tea."

"Only because I actually do sorta want to talk about it. Okay, so, um..." Brian trailed off, looking around nervously to make sure that no one was paying any attention to them. "We were doing stuff... on the phone."

"Oh? Oh." Joey laughed, putting two and two together. "Like, through texting? Or Snapchat?"

"FaceTime." Brian mumbled quietly, looking anywhere but at Joey.

"Damn, that sounds intense!" Joey yelled loudly.

"Shush! I don't need the whole world knowing." Brian whispered. "But yeah, we FaceTimed and... did stuff. For like, two and a half hours."

"Okay, stop bragging about your golden sex life." Joey laughed as the bell rang. "Congrats on your evening of mind blowing cybersex, I don't feel bad about your sleep deprivation."

"Joe was um, he was acting kinda... weird." Brian said as most people began to clear out of the locker room. "Which is why I wanted to talk about it."

"Okay... Weird how?" Joey asked.

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