Chapter 35

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tw for Zoey trying to be forceful with Joe

"Joe, are you sure about this?" Brian asked tentatively.

"One hundred percent. This is ending." Joe told him firmly as he drove.

"I just, I'm just worried that—"

"Baby listen, you don't need to worry about a thing except for presenting your show, okay?" Joe told him firmly. "I know how important this is to you."

Brian nodded as Joe approached the school, pulling up towards outside the theatre building. Once Joe stopped the car, Brian reached over, taking Joe's hand in his. "I just, I don't want to see you getting hurt." Brian told him honestly, squeezing his boyfriends hand tightly. "I, if you can wait I can always come with you to go over there."

Joe smiled at his softly. "You're so sweet, but baby please don't worry about me." Joe reassured, leaning over and kissing his forehead. "Bri, I don't love her anymore. If she tries to hurt me—which I don't think she would risk doing right now—I'll fight back, okay? You really think she could overpower me?" Joe teased, flexing his arm muscles.

Brian laughed softly. "No, I'm not sure if anyone can." He leaned over and briefly connected their lips. "Okay. Call me as soon as you can? I want to know what happens."

"Same for you." Joe stated, leaning in and bringing their lips back together. "I wanna know how this goes."

Brian nodded, allowing Joe to continue to kiss him. "Okay. We'll talk soon."

"Yes we will," Joe promised, bringing their lips together one last time. "Good luck with Davidson."

"Good luck with Zoey."


Joe pounded his fist against Zoey's front door angrily. "Open the fucking door now!" His usual fear at the idea of entering her house was absent—replaced with his fuming rage over what had happened to Brian.

"Hello handsome." Zoey teased as she opened the door, Joe charging in without looking at her. "Look at you all eager to come inside."

"Cut the shit. I'm here, I'm cooperating, what do you want?"

"Aw baby, you're so tense," Zoey responded calmly, closing the door and leaning back against it. "Sit down, relax. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Stop fooling around." Joe stated firmly. "I'm not playing games anymore. You know why I'm here. What's it going to take for you to leave Brian out of this?"

"That. Exactly what you just said." Zoey stated mischievously, locking the front door. "Fooling around. So like I said, sit down and re—"

"What the fuck are you on about?" Joe cut across, backing away as she began approaching him.

"You know what." Zoey told him simply. "You want the jocks to leave Brian alone?" She kicked her sandals off, her fingers running along the bottom rim of her tank top. "Sleep with me. Right here, right now."

Joe scoffed, looking away as she pulled her tank top up. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of watching her undress. "Jesus, god, fuck. Why did it take me so long to realize just how fucking insane you are?" He asked. "That's not even rhetorical. I mean, you're batshit crazy—how did I not see it before? 

"You did. And you liked it." Zoey stated knowingly. "Come on, you know the deal. You can go back to the homo after this. Are you really going to turn down a chance at this again?"

"Yes, because I don't fucking want it." Joe stated harshly. "And I don't want you." He forced himself to turn to face her, his hair standing on edge at the sight of her without a shirt on.

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