Chapter 30

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Short little chapter full of dRaMa

Joe stormed angrily into Beanies, finding to his delight that there was no line. He marched straight up to the counter, where Zoey had yet to look up from her phone. Normally he'd be nervous to approach her, but his rage over what she'd done was overcompensating for any anxiety he was experiencing. "What part of 'I'm done with you' do you not fucking understand?"

Zoey took her time, seemingly unfazed by Joe confronting her. "Hold on, I'm busy." She mumbled, not looking up from her phone.

"We're going to talk when you get off work, over how you are going to back the fuck off." When Zoey continued to ignore him, Joe grabbed her bedazzled iPhone, ripping it out of her hand and holding it up and out of her reach. "Promise me, now, or, or I-I'll break it."

Zoey rolled her eyes, glancing around the shop instead of at him. "Why not talk now? No one's here; I'm surprised that you came in considering how supposedly scared you are of me."

Joe's confident persona faltered as Zoey gave him a knowing smirk. He glanced around the shop, realizing that it wasn't just that business was slow; the place was completely deserted. "Your, your coworker's in the back, right?"

"Nope, I told Nora to go ahead and go on her break." Zoey said happily, beginning to walk around the counter. "I had a feeling you were coming."

Joe took several steps back, still clutching her phone tightly. "St-stay back. I mean it; I'll break it."

Zoey continued to ignore him, instead walking over to the front of the store and locking the door. "Actually, I knew for a fact you were coming. Beth texted me—it sounds like she was successful in proving that you're straight." She turned back around to face him, slowly making her way over. "Of course, I'm not surprised. She's not as attractive as I am no doubt, but she's a cute enough girl—I figured that that would be more than enough to get your dick hard after months of experimenting with a virgin." She taunted, searching his face eagerly for any sign of discomfort. "I knew that you weren't gay."

"I knew that you weren't above manipulating one of your best friends into doing your dirty work for you." Joe retorted, refusing to let it show just how uncomfortable she was making him. "Turn around and unlock the door Zoey, I'm serious. I-I'll smash your phone to the ground—think of all the things that you'll never get to back-up on here." He started retreating away as she continued progressing towards him, his back only a few feet away from hitting a wall. "Think, think about your pictures!" 

The barista giggled, continuing to hone in on him. "God, you know me so well baby."

"I'm not your baby." He spat back at her, fear beginning to trickle it's way into his voice as he realized that she had managed to corner him.

Zoey sighed, smiling as Joe continued to cower away from her. "I know you pretty well too, you know." She said sweetly. "I'm not stupid—I knew that you weren't going to sleep with Beth or anything. How could you? She's my friend, and you love me way too much to hurt me like that. That's why I know you're not going to smash my phone."

"You have no idea what I'm capable of. Now, now back off or I'm calling the cops!" Joe yelled; she was now only about a foot away from him. "Forget your damn phone, I-I'll hurt you."

At that Zoey threw her head back in laughter. "Sure baby." She held her arms out, leaning her face in. "Go ahead, hit me. I dare you to." She turned her face slightly to the side, leaving it exposed for Joe to attack. When Joe didn't make a move, she stepped in and filled the space between them, reaching over and taking her phone out of Joe's hand. "See? You can't." Joe closed his eyes, turning his head to the side. He'd felt so empowered just a moment ago—how was she able to reign him in so easily? Why was his body constantly betraying him when it came to her? "Do you know why you can't Joe?" Zoey asked, gently resting a hand on his chest. "Because you love me; you always will. And you would never do anything to hurt me." To Joe's relief she took a step back away from him, bringing her phone back up to her face. "We both know that you love me, and more importantly now we both know for a fact that you don't really love him."

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