Chapter 52

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Darkest chapter in the book, please read with caution if you're not in a good headspace. TW for violence and sexual harassment. If you don't want to read DM me and I'll send you a safe summary!

"Thank you for coming," Joe stated half-heartily. The rest of the show had passed in an exhaustive blur, and he was struggling to find the energy to politely greet people who had come to see the it. The same freshmen who had asked him for his autograph after Potter musical had again asked him for one, which had slightly made him feel better.

"Walker!" Tom Houston clapped him on the back. "Always the best villain you are."

"Still can't believe Becky makes you come to my shows," Joe remarked warmly, clapping Tom back.

"You know my girl, all about unity."

Joe continued to greet people, finding that seeing a friend like Tom had slightly lifted his spirits. After hugging his teammates Kyle and Jace, he started to make his way back towards the inside of the building, wanting desperately to get out of costume and into some comfy clothes. He entered the back entrance to the theatre building, rounding the corner to reach the dressing room.

Zoey was there waiting for him, leaning back against the door, a soft smile on her face. "Hey handsome."

Joe made a one-eighty, turning back and going back towards the outside, where there were witnesses. A icy feeling was beginning to swirl around inside of his chest.

"Aw, come on baby," Zoey said gently. "Let's just talk.

"L-l-leave me alone." Joe stated.

"Or what?" She asked, grabbing him by his arm.

Joe ripped his arm away, turning back to face her. "Don't touch me. Ever."

"What are you going to do to stop me?" She asked, the malicious smile he was once so used to crawling onto her face. "Sam and Craig are waiting outside. Unless you want me to text them to grab your boyfriend, let's have a chat."

Joe opened his mouth to respond, but words failed him. What was he supposed to do, tell Zoey that he didn't care and let his boyfriend suffer the consequences? Run out and try to help him? He had no other options than to listen to her. "What do you want?"

"Relax, I just want to ask you a question Joe, jeez." Zoey replied, rolling her eyes. "Just tell me this; how did it feel?" She asked vaguely.

Joe resisted the urge to scoff at her. "How did it feel? What, when you hit me? When you raped me? Exactly how you think—"


Joe fell to the ground, clutching his face. "Don't talk back to me, and don't you fucking dare say that out loud where people could hear it." She whisper yelled, before kicking him in the chest. "Not that anyone will ever believe you." She added, spitting at him.

Joe was speechless, his body still reeling in his trauma from the shock of her hitting him. He flinched as she kneeled down and placed her hand on his shoulder. "No, p-please don't hurt me," He cried, trembling against the cold, hard floor.

"I can do whatever I want to you Joe," She responded condescendingly, bringing her lips to his ear. "Don't act like you don't know that. Relationship or not, I own you—I always will. You're mine."

Joe retracted his head away from her and closed his eyes, desperately trying to summon the rage he'd felt towards her earlier. He knew that he didn't have to take this, he knew that he could hurt her much worse that she could hurt him. So why was it that every single time she put her hands on him, his body shut own and forced him into submission?

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