Chapter 23

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Back with the much promised angst; this is going to lead into what is most likely the darkest chapter of the book in terms of Joe's recovery. TW for mentioning/flashback to lead up of sexual assault (nothing graphic). CW for heated kissing.

"What if we just locked them in a room and refused to let either of them out until they kissed?"

"They've already kissed dumbass," Brian teased, pushing Joe back by his forehead. "That hasn't worked."

"Okay, then we lock them in and refuse to let them out until they are boyfriend and girlfriend." Joe suggested as he sat back up. The two of them were sitting on his bed, hanging out after school. It had been a little over a week since they had made up, and they had easily settled back into their groove of being a sorta-kinda-couple.

"You're an imbecile." Brian stated, crawling over towards him. "Going into cahoots with you clearly was a mistake—I should've recruited Holden and Meredith instead."

"I resent that accusation." Joe argued, feigning being offended. "Are you implying I'm not an expert at romance? Did you forget how we finally admitted our feelings to each other? In a closet."

Brian pursed his lips, eyeing Joe mischievously. "If memory serves correct, we weren't locked in the closet. Also I'm pretty sure that that whole thing started with you kissing me in the middle of a performance."

"Okay, that's it!" Joe exclaimed, jumping up in excitement. "You're writing that musical right? Give them a stage kiss!"

"I thought our kiss wasn't a stage kiss!" Brian argued, even though he was grinning ear to ear. "We agreed that it was a kiss that just happened to occur on the stage."

Joe bit his bottom lip, collapsing onto his stomach in defeat. "Damn, you're right. Our kiss on the stage that wasn't a stage kiss still worked really well in the show though. That's what we need."

Brian raised an eyebrow, scooting closer so that Joe was basically lying down in between his legs. "What's what we need?"

"We need them to hash out their kissing via characters in the show. Write them a place where an improvised stage kiss would make a lot of sense."

"They, don't, need, to, kiss!" Brian reiterated, clapping in between each word for emphasis. "They've already kissed!"

"Fine, then write them characters who are repressing their feelings for each other." Joe said casually, as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet. "God, do I have to spell it out for you?" He teased.

"I'm not going to mess up my musical because you can't come up with a better plan."

"It's a great plan," Joe whined, rolling over to his back and pouting. "I get it; you don't want our friends to be happy."

"Stuff it." Brian teased, running a hand through Joe's hair affectionately.

Joe closed his eyes at Brian's touch, savoring it. He opened them to find himself locking eyes with Brian, who was borderline hovering above him at this point. "Why don't you make me?" He flirted, smiling in success as a blush spread across the younger boys face.

Brian rolled his eyes, before leaning down and connecting their lips, Spider-Man style. "I dressed for this occasion." Joe giggled between kisses, gesturing to his pink Spider-Man shirt.

"Aaaaand I'm taking this off." Brian stated confidently, reaching over Joe for the rim of his T-shirt.

"Oh are you?" Joe mocked happily, raising his arms up over his head as Brian lifted his T-shirt off of him and discarded it. "Look at you being all assertive."

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