Chapter 37

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Super long chapter with a mix of fluff and angst.

"Thank you, thank you Hatchetfield High, go Nighthawks!" Darren yelled into his microphone. "I'm gonna take a little break here, and bring out my main man Joe!" Most of the gym clapped as Joe came out, giving Joe a much needed surge of confidence. "Look at this handsome boy ladies and gentleman. And yes the rumors are true—he plays for both teams! Meaning he's on the football team, and he's in the glee club. So let's give it up for this fabulous multifaceted man." Darren quickly took off, giving Joe a shit-eating-grin as he ran away.

"I cannot fucking believe he just did that." Lauren whispered, giggling into her hands like crazy.

"I can," Holden laughed.

"Do you think that that'll piss Zoey off?" Joey whispered to Brian.

"Considering she was already threatening me tonight?" Brian informed Joey. "Oh yeah, I'm a dead man."

"Anyone know what he's singing?" Meredith asked. "Rosenthal, do you know?"

"Nah, he wouldn't tell me." Brian answered, sucked out of his private conversation with Joey and into the main one.

"Oh trust me, you'll like it." Holden teased Brian, winking at him.

Brian's stomach doubled over. On top of the already romantic but admittingly embarrassing idea of Joe singing something for him, it wouldn't help at all in terms of getting Zoey off of his back. Brian couldn't help but notice that the entire Hatchetfield High School band had come out, and he ran his brain through solos that Joe liked that had so much instrumentals.

He got his answer as the band took off, and 'Don't You Forget About Me' started playing.

"Oh my fucking god." Brian groaned, running his hands through his hair. "I can't."

"You better," Jaime teased, and before Brian could make sense of what was happening, she and Lauren had grabbed him by his arms and were dragging him up until he was directly in front of the stage, in plain sight. Before he'd been up close enough to where Joe could see him if he needed to, but he was still relatively blended into the crowd. Now, the entire gymnasium could probably see him, meaning that Zoey did. 'Maybe she won't notice me, maybe she won't notice me, maybe she won't notice me.' His hopes for this we're shot down when Joe decided to draw everyone's attempting to him by pointing at him while singing, "As you walk on by, will you call my name?"

Brian forced himself to smile at his boyfriend, despite the flood of anxiety he was beginning to feel. 'Maybe she isn't watching. She made a point out of it to not watch him at Potter musical. Maybe she's out somewhere with some other guy right now to appear to seem disinterested in Joe.' That was it. It had to be.

As Joe finished his song, the entire gymnasium erupted into applause as Joe placed the microphone back on its stand. He quickly made his way off as Clark came out to solo on 'Man In Motion', coming around from behind the stage and quickly finding Brian. "Figures I'm fucking getting followed by Clark—he's so much more fun to watch. Not to mention better at singing. And better looking, fuck."

"Shut up. You were great. And you're hot." Brian whispered to him, leaning in and kissing his cheek before he could decide against it. "I didn't expect you to single me out like that."

Joe shrugged, smirking at him mischievously. "Had to make sure the entire school knew who I was singing that song to." He glanced around nervously, before reaching over and taking Brian's hand in his. "My one and only."

Brian smiled at Joe, debating if he should tell him about the encounter with Zoey. So far she hadn't made an appearance. Were they in the clear? Could Joe make a grand romantic gesture to Brian without him having to worry about getting attacked by jocks as a result? The idea seemed too good to be true. "Well it was very sweet, so thank you."

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