Chapter 39

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Long ass angsty chapter. CW for heated kissing and alcohol, TW for self-harm (biting, hair pulling) and mentions of sexual assault.

"He fucking hung up on me!" Lauren screamed as Joey entered her house. "Hung up and hasn't taken any of my calls! God only knows what self-destructing behavior he's doing to himself right now."

"Lo, it's okay, just breathe, you gotta breathe," Joey told her calmly, taking her by the hand and walking her to the kitchen. "I already contacted Mr. Davidson and let him know what's going on to see if he can do anything. And I just got off the phone with Brian—he's going over to see Joe right now, so he won't be alone. He won't do anything bad to himself if Brian's there, right?"

Lauren wanted to believe that that was true, but she wasn't sure at this point. "I just want to help him, and I don't know how." She cried, wiping away her tears. She knew that compared to Joey—who since she'd called him crying had been looking for productive ways to improve the situation—she sounded like a pathetic child.

"I know, I know Lauren." Joey said lamely, knowing that nothing he said would make his girlfriend feel differently. "Let me, let me get you some water or something."

"What's going to happen to him?" Lauren asked, sitting down in front of her kitchen counter. "I, what's this going to mean for him at school? I don't even know what to think. I, I should've known that something like this was coming. What other options does Zoey have with him cutting her off like he has and fully, publicly moving on with Brian?" She ranted as Joey handed her a cup of water. "This, this is all my fault!"

Joey was at her side in an instant, allowing her to cry against his chest. He ran a hand through her hair gently, hoping that it would help calm her. "Lauren, you put too much responsibility on yourself. It's Joe's life, not yours. And it's not your job to know what Zoey's every move is going to be. None of this is your problem, but you choose to involve yourself rather than stand aside while someone hurts one of your friends. And do you know why? Because you're a good person, you're an amazing person. You're the fiercest friend, and Joe's going to be okay because he has you in his corner."

Lauren nodded against his chest to let him know that she was listening as she continued to sob uncontrollably. She forced herself to focus on Joey's words, and allowed the rhythm of his heart beating against her ear to ground her. Eventually she managed to relax, her crying beginning to settle down. "Th-thank you Jo-jo. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my corner."

"Always." Joey told her sweetly, kissing the top of her head. "You'll always have me in your corner, against the wall, hanging above you on the ceiling, wherever you want me."

Lauren giggled, rolling her eyes and pushing him away playfully. "Ah yes, my dream; for you to be spread eagle on my rooftop, grimacing down at me. Oh wait did I say dream? I meant nightmare."

"Aw hush," Joey laughed, leaning down and briefly connecting their lips. "Now come on, let's do something stupid and fun while we try to come up with something we can do to help. Do you wanna open up a new puzzle? Or maybe bake something? Why don't we cook a nut roll?"

Lauren sighed guiltily, thinking over how ridiculous she had been to ever consider not having this sweetheart doofus as her boyfriend. "Why are you always so good at this?" Lauren whined, reaching up and pulling his head down so that she could kiss him again. "Great idea. Nut roll it is."

xXx hope you enjoyed the fluff cuz shit's about to get angsty.

Brian entered Joe's bedroom nervously, not sure what type of scene he was about to walk in on. He'd seen the post early that morning when it had first been posted and had had no idea what to do about the whole situation. He desperately wanted to be there for Joe, but had made the safer decision of telling him that he would support him however he wanted it, even if it meant giving him space.

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