Chapter 12

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Fluffy chapter sorry—don't worry we'll get into the drama soon enough.

"You know, I really can't believe that we both spent this weekend getting some action and yet here we are, both still single." Brian commented as he walked alongside Joey to Glee club.

"I don't want to hear it from you." Joey retorted. "You're the one saying no in your scenario, we are not the same." He teased, smiling so that Brian would know he was joking.

"Hey man, either way we're both miserable."

"Agreed. I'm really dreading Glee," Joey groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Can I sit with you and Joe? I don't think I can handle sitting by Lauren today."

Brian pushed Joey's shoulder. "You don't have to ask me that."

"Slow your roll, because I have another request that you're probably not going to like—can you and Joe please not be all lovey-dovey right now? My heartache can't handle it."

"Okay first of all, you literally fucking gave me a rose to give him," Brian reminded him. "Second, you realize that Joe probably sees it that I rejected him on Saturday? He probably feels towards me the way you feel towards Lauren right now."

"Doubt it, he can never stay mad at you," Joey stated factually. "The one time it happened, how long did it take for you both to cave and apologize—a day? If that? If he had any anger towards you he resolved it yesterday. Trust me, I know Joe; he's going to be all over you today, especially if you give him that rose."

"So, you're asking me to stop Joe from flirting with me even though you gave me the tools to affirm that that happens?"

"Okay, listen, just don't make me third wheel?"

"Oh I get it, you wanna join in." Brian teased his best friend, winking at him. "I can't blame you; I'm sexy."

"I'll give you a hundred dollars to say 'I'm sexy' in that confident tone to Joe. Straight up, I will pay."

"Asshole." Brian responded as they walked into the choir room. Brian immediately felt his face heat up at the sight of Joe, who was sitting in the back row of the risers and resting an arm along the back of the chair next to him. He gulped nervously as he walked up the risers and sat down with him, Joey sitting on his other side. "H-hi."

"Hey," Joe said calmly, easily slipping the arm that he'd had outstretched over the chair around Brian's shoulders. "Happy Monday."

Brian's blush worsened, while Joey groaned miserably. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted his crush "I one hundred percent don't mind this at all but could we maybe lay off of the PDA for a bit? Joey made me promise not to make him feel like a third wheel today, he's super down over stuff."

Joe took his phone out as it buzzed and read the text, retracting his arm back as the bell rang. As everyone else began to scramble into seats, he texted back "Why's he sitting with us instead of Lopez?"

As Mr. Davidson addressed the class about how they needed to start deciding on their set list for regionals so that they could jump into full swing after winter break, Brian texted Joe back saying "Long ass fucking story that we do need to discuss—I'll tell you later."

At some point Mr. Davidson excused them to discuss songs for Regionals amongst each other, Darren immediately turning around and trying to get Joey on board with them doing a Disney medley that he could orchestrate. Seeing that Joey was distracted, Joe took his opportunity to strike, wrapping his arm back around Brian. "So can you tell me now?" He whispered.

Brian shook his head. "Definitely need to tell you this in private."

Joe gently rubbed his thumb up and down Brian's shoulder. "Ooh okay, I get it, you want to be alone with me." He teased, flashing Brian a dazzling smile.

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