Chapter 57

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This chapter has a theme let me know if you figure it out (hint: Season 3 Episode 5 of Glee).

"I still can't believe he did that," Lauren said as she took Joey's hand. "It didn't seem real—it felt even more surreal than the when he broke up with her."

"Neither can I." Joey stated in agreement. "I just can't believe that it's finally over." He said happily, being met with silence by Lauren. "It uh, it is over, right Lo?"

Lauren pursed her lips. "I mean... there's still like two days left of school for seniors, but let's be realistic—the worse case scenario is that Joe skips. He's going to leave and go to Michigan and she's staying here... yeah, he's fucking free. It's over."

Joey tightened his grip on Lauren's hand. "You think him going to Michigan is the end of all things?"

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" Lauren asked obliviously, before she softened at the look on Joey's face, reaching up and cupping her boyfriends cheek. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She reassured him. "I love you Joey. Yes I'm going to leave too, but it won't be like that with us." She stated confidently. "What we have, I, god I hate how corny and cliche this sounds, but I do think that it's strong enough to stand the test of long distance. I think that we can really do this."

Joey smiled to himself happily. "Yeah? You do?"

"I do. I love you Judee."

Joey bit his bottom lip in a desperate attempt to hide just how stupidly happy hearing that from Lauren made him feel. "I love you too Lo."

"Oh no, you're not high, are you?" she teased, winking at him. "I never know when you say that to me."

Joey blushed in embarrassment, rolling his eyes. "That was one time. I'll never tell you that I love you again." He told her, winking back.

Lauren tilted her head to the side, leaning in and peering up at him with a pouty face.

"Oh don't give me that look," Joey whined, leaning in and pecking her on the lips. "Fuck, I love you Lo." He brought his lips back to hers, kissing her with a little more intensity. Lauren responded enthusiastically, opening her mouth into the kiss. Joey moaned against her lips, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him.

They broke apart at the sensation of something hitting both of them on the nose. "Hey, break it up lovebirds," Jeff laughed as everyone around him applauded, having just thrown a beer can at them and hitting perfectly in the middle of the couple.

Lauren rolled her eyes, flicking Jeff off. "Hey do you wanna, you wanna get out of here?" She asked nervously.

"Oh?" Joey feigned amusement. "And go where? Your car?" He asked excitedly.

Lauren shrugged innocently, glancing around to make sure that no one was actually paying them any attention. "I mean, do we really want our first time to be in a car? I say we sneak into my house."

"Oh? Oh shit," Joey stated loudly, bringing a hand to his mouth. "You were, you were serious about that?"

"Oh, do you not want to?" Lauren asked with genuine concern.

Joey scoffed. "Do I not want to make hot passionate love with Lauren Lopez," he whispered, nudging her side to tease her. "Are you hearing yourself? You sound insane." He laughed, leaning over and kissing her forehead. "Of course I do Lo—I love you, and you're hot. I'm just surprised that you want to."

Now it was Lauren's turn to scoff. "I love you, and I enjoy messing around with you—you're the first guy I've ever been with who makes hooking up fucking funny. Why wouldn't I want to have sex with you?"

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