Chater 38

74 4 2

Lot going on here, TW/CW for panic attacks, heated kissing/hand stuff, intrusive thoughts

"Where are you taking me?" Brian asked, giggling like an idiot.

"Shh, don't spoil the surprise," Joe teased as he led him down the hallway outside of the gym.

"But your car is back that way." Brian whined. "You're not going to make me wait, are you?"

Joe froze, turning and grabbing his boyfriend by his hips and crashing their lips together. Brian moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Joe's head as Joe walked him backwards until they were against a wall, Joe filling all of the space between them. He traveled his lips down, trailing kisses across Brian's cheek and jaw, until he reached his neck. Brian bit his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning too loudly as Joe began sucking on his skin. "Does that answer your question?" Joe whispered huskily as he pulled away. He brought his lips to Brian's ears. "Trust me, I'm taking you somewhere for us to have fun." He brought his lips back to Brian's neck, running his hands over his torso, starting to unbutton the top of his shirt. "Then again, I don't know if I can wait either." He teased playfully, traveling his kisses down as he exposed more of Brian's chest.

Brian giggled, his head rolling back against the wall. "We, we shouldn't do this here. We could—mhm—we could get caught." He forced himself to push Joe away, even though as soon as his lips were off of his body he was craving them as if his life depended on it. "Too many teachers around."

"Yeah, it'd be a real shame if someone were to bust you."

A shiver ran down Joe's spine, his blood running cold at the sound of her voice.

"Jesus, where do you fucking come from?" Brian yelled at Zoey, buttoning his shirt back up in embarrassment and stepping back.

Joe forced himself to face her, holding his ground and staring her down. "Enjoying the free show?" He asked smugly, surprising himself at his attitude.

Zoey scoffed, looking down at her phone. "Actually, I was thinking about how public indecency will look pretty good next to you being a woman-beater." Zoey presented her cell phone, showing a photo of her with a black eye, dated from around the time that they had been dating. "One click away."

"Says the woman who made me have sex with her in a locker room during school hours. Or who tried to rape me in a random
closet at Tom's house. And that photo's doctored. We both know it is." Joe said dismissively, slipping his hand into Brian's. "Come on, let's go."

"Last chance baby." She called flirtatiously, her eyes peering into Brian. "Don't say that I didn't warn you."

"Ignore her." Joe whispered to Brian as they exited the gym. "She just wants to get a rise out of us."

Brian was silent as Joe continued to lead the way, until they reached the theatre building. "It's, it's probably locked, right?" Brian asked apprehensively.

Joe reached into his pocket, smiling at him mischievously as he jingled a set of keys in the air. "I stole these from Lauren's purse earlier. Remind me to slip them back in at some point." He opened the door, dragging Brian down the pitch dark hallway.

"Are we, are we hooking up in the theatre building hallway?" Brian asked incredulously, annoyed that his voice sounded so anxious.

"Even better." Joe whispered through the black. He turned his phone light on, eventually finding the doors to the choir room and unlocking it. "I wanted to christen the room where we should've had our first kiss." He told him as he guided him over to the sheet music closet. He unlocked the door, pulling it open and smiling at Brian through the darkness. "After you." Brian stepped in, wishing that he could shake his anxiety over what had just happened with Zoey. The door closed, somehow managing to make the already pitch black room seem even darker. Before he could make sense of anything, Joe's lips were against his, the older boy kissing him with a fury. Brian wrapped his arms around Joe's waist shakily, trying to get himself back into what they were doing.

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