Chapter 60

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Brian paced outside of the building anxiously, searching for Joey through the crowd of people attending the graduation. He'd ridden with Joe to the ceremony, but Joe had had to take off as soon as they'd arrived to go get ready, leaving Brian by himself. While Brian knew that all the seniors were inside, he still couldn't help but feel anxious about Sam and Craig finding a way to hurt him. Hopefully, for once they would be too busy with their own lives to feel the need to ruin his. Maybe with a little luck, graduation could pass by uneventful.

"Looking out for me?"

Brian jumped, turning to find Zoey standing behind him. "Aren't you supposed to be inside already?" He stated, walking away from her.

"You know that I won, right?" She asked him.

"Oh did you?" Brian scoffed, rolling his eyes as he continued to walk off. "I guess I've been too busy fooling around with Joe everyday to have noticed." He yelled back at her.

"You're never going to get to have a peaceful relationship with him. I scarred him for life. I broke him permanently." She stated casually, as if everything she was saying wasn't horrible. "Things with him will never be simple; I stole his innocence."

"You lost the greatest thing that ever happened to you," Brian shot back without hesitation, finally turning around to face her. "I told you this the first time we ever spoke—remember in the boys bathroom? You're a fucking monster. He's special, he has it all—and you were lucky enough to have him. You could have loved him, and instead you chose to try to destroy him. And where did it get you? Alone—you'll always be alone, regardless of if you have a partner or not."

"I did destroy him," she responded defensively, ignoring the rest of what he'd said.

"No, you broke him. And he left you, just like I said he would," Brian said triumphantly. "Now you're alone, trying desperately to get back the best thing that did and will ever happen to you. I feel sorry for you." He was smiling now, matching her energy. "Joe's going to get better—and not because of me, or anyone, but because he's a strong, good person. And you're going to continue to be this miserable, ruined, mess of a person. Your life is over—his is only just beginning." He spotted Joey, running over with Lauren, who was frantically running towards them. "Good luck Zoey, seriously. You're going to need it." He walked away from her before she could even begin to come up with a comeback, greeting his friends. "You're late," he told Lauren.

"What did she do?" Lauren asked.

Brian shook his head. "Nothing. And she's not going to do anything else. This shit's over, and she knows that it is. Now go get in there before you miss your graduation."


"That's my graduate!" Joey yelled as Lauren walked out of the building, running away from Brian and hugging her before her family could even get to her. "She's beautiful and smart!" He released her, realizing that he'd completely cut off Lauren's family. "Sorry," he mumbled awkwardly as her parents hugged her, Lauren giggling like an idiot.

"Relax, they love you," she reassured once she'd finished hugging her brother, wrapping her arms back around him.

"How does it feel to be a graduate?"

"Like I feel all of the time," Lauren answered logically, rolling her eyes and laughing. "How does it feel to be dating a graduate?"

"Like I'm a cool junior dating a college kid—but in an appropriate way." He clarified, looking to Lauren's family awkwardly.

They bid her family goodbye, heading towards Lauren's car, Joey wrapping an arm around his girlfriend. "So we're going to meet them for dinner... but in the mean time, we have a few hours to kill." She told him, smirking as she unlocked her car.

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