Chapter 16

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Much needed Richpez update since we haven't seen them in a couple of chapters🤪TW for some slight homophobia at the end.

Lauren yawned, sipping her water as she walked towards the choir room, happy to be over with another day. Between being done with her musical for the semester and the fact that Glee club had just won their sectionals, she finally was starting to have some down time after school, excluding her being captain of the dance team, president of the Theatre department, taking three AP courses, and finishing up the last of her college applications. Winter break really couldn't come soon enough.

As she entered the theatre building to stop by the choir room to pick up some of her things, her mind couldn't help but also wonder towards Joey. As much as she'd been trying not not dwell on the events from over the weekend, that damn puzzle in her living room was making it damn near impossible. Her face heated up slightly at the thought of the younger boy and his damn adorable crooked jaw. She closed her eyes, shaking the nonsense out of her head. She had a million other things to stress over right now besides the fact that she had made out with Joey.

She charged into the choir room, halting when she found herself face to face with Joe, Jaime, Meredith, and Darren, who were all sitting in a circle. "Sorry, am I impeding on a meeting of your guys sex cult?" She asked, walking over towards the circle with amusement. "Walker where's your boy toy? You can't do this without him. And Darren, where the hell is my precious Doolia?"

Joe stood up, a very stern look on his face. "Lauren, would you please join us? We set aside a seat for you." He said seriously, not blinking at all.

Lauren raised an eyebrow at him. "Joe, stop doing a bit." She teased, causing everyone else in the circle to laugh, except for Joe who was still keeping his intensely focused eye contact with her.

"Lauren, this is an intervention."

"Clearly, we need to discuss your addiction to doing bits."

"I understand that it's hard for you to—ah fuck." Joe broke, bringing a hand up to his mouth in laughter. "Alright you got me, but for real Lopez. Take a seat."

Lauren admittedly looked confused, but nevertheless sat down in the empty chair between Jaime and Darren. "What's going on?" She whispered to Jaime.

"Lauren, consider this an intervention. I'm declaring you incompetent to run your own love life." Joe stated confidently, just like he'd planned and rehearsed with Brian the day before.

Lauren shook her head, her brain taking a moment to register what he had said. "Wait, what?"

"You know what." Joe said with a smirk, sitting back down in his chair. "We're here to discuss you and Joey."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Alright guys, good one, really."

"Lauren, just level with us." Jaime said confidently. "What's going on with you two?"

"Nothing!" Lauren yelled, a little too defensively. "Where are you guys getting the idea that something's going on?"

"Oh please, I could tell the other night when I came over that the two of you were etching for me to be gone, you especially." Darren teased. "The way you jumped in and said 'no' for him when I offered Joey a ride home said it all."

"Lauren, it's obvious that you guys like each other." Meredith stated honesty. "You guys are always together, and I always see the two of you looking so happy. Like, I ship Richpez so hard!"

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "You've given us a ship name?"

"That's how committed I am to the two of you and your love." Meredith explained. "Please make Richpez real."

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