Chapter 55

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"Can't you just go over and spill punch on him or something? Anything to get him alone."

"Zoe, I'm here with Charlotte," Sam told her for the umpteenth time that night. "I can't come running at your beck and call like usual—I have to appear to Charlotte like I'm here for her."

Things were not going well for Zoey Chambers. It had all started when Sam informed her last minute that he was bringing Charlotte to the prom, not offering her anything other than the opportunity to ditch her at some point so that they could mess around. This had left her with the options of choosing between one of the underclassmen quarterbacks, but they were all idiots. "Hey, go get me a drink," she told Brad, who obeyed like the mindless servant that he was.

Despite all of her efforts, Joe had shown up to prom with that... thing that he called his boyfriend. She needed to get rid of him once and for all—but her man power was running low. She hadn't had any luck with Craig either, who was currently trying to find a way to be both Beth and Allison's date at this thing, constantly rotating between the two. While this type of situation would normally amuse her, it was anything but funny now that she had no other options.

She really wished that her friends could stop being so selfish and ruining her entire night.

Her campaign for prom queen was also falling apart before her very eyes as well. Ever since she'd slipped up and slapped Joe in the courtyard, she'd been facing a steady decline in people who supported her.

The stupid rumor about turning her boyfriend gay hadn't exactly helped either.

Unable to continue ignoring them, Zoey directed her attention to Joe and Brian. The two were currently dancing, laughing, hugging, and kissing as if they didn't have a care in the world. Hadn't she warned them not to do this? And yet here they were, having a good time right in front of her, not even trying to hide how happy they were? Who on earth did they think that they were, defying her like this? They definitely had incredible nerve.

It was time to put them in their place once and for all.

She walked up to the teen volunteer—an underclassmen—who was currently collecting votes for prom king and queen. "Hey geek? You count the votes right? Make sure Joe Walker and Zoey Chambers are the winners, will ya?"

"Oh, oh no," the awkward teen started. "I'm not gonna let you use your feminine whiles to tempt me into compromising the integrity of this competition."

"You don't get it dude," Zoey stated calmly, before grabbing him by the rim of his shirt, the awkward teen yelping in fear. "I'm gonna kick your fucking ass if you don't make us the winners!"

"Okay, don't hurt me!"

As the awkward teen set to work, Joe looped his arms around Brian's waist and pulled him against him. "Have I ever told you just how incredibly stunning you are?" He asked his boyfriend. "Because god, I love looking at you."

Brian rolled his eyes, blushing. "You know you're going to get some action later no matter what, you can turn off the over-the-top flirting you know."

"Why would I do that, when flirting with you and causing that little flustered look to form on your face is so much fun?" Joe smirked, leaning in and bringing his lips to his boyfriends. "You're very attractive," Joe whispered in between kisses. "And sweet—funny—smart—and my favorite person ever."

"Oh am I? What else?" Brian inquired, before leaning in and catching Joe's lips in a hot, open-mouthed kiss that Joe couldn't help but moan into as a shiver ran up his spine.

"Babe," Joe whispered against his boyfriends lips. "I—fuck. What's gotten into you?"

"Uh... hopefully you, later tonight?" Brian replied as smoothly as he could.

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