Chapter 49

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"So... the joke is that your phone is a rag?"

"And that his eye was totally engorged," Lauren stated.

"Right, you totally didn't mention that twenty times," Joey teased a he continued editing her video. "How's this cut look?" He asked, flipping his laptop over for her to see.

Lauren watched what Joey had edited together so far, before looking up and beaming at him. "You're the best cinematog I could ask for." She stated happily.

"Cinematog?" Joey asked. "Is that a thing?"

"Damn straight it is. It's you," Lauren stated, taking the laptop off of his lap and settling it on the table in front of them. "How's editor in chief sound instead?" She asked, climbing into his lap.

"Oh, hello." Joey stated, pretending to not be completing honed in on the fact that Lauren was on top of him. "I didn't finish yet."

"Take a break," Lauren mused, before connecting their lips.

Joey hummed enthusiastically in response, wrapping his arms around her. "I gotta finish editing the promo for the show," he mumbled after a couple of kisses.

"No. I don't want the show to happen," Lauren stated bleakly.

"What? Why, do you not like my show?" He teased.

"Oh shush," Lauren reflected, playfully pushing his cheek. "I love this show. It's just..." she trailed off, looking away from him.

"Just what?" Joey asked, feeling alarmed by her sudden silence.

She bit her bottom lip, before looking up at him. "It's our last show together."

"Oh wow... fuck, it is isn't it?" Joey responded sadly. "I've been so busy making it happen, I hadn't really stopped to think about that. Fuck, now I'm super sad."

"Yeah, I am too," Lauren admitted, wrapping her arms around his neck. In truth, she was started to feel upset about the fact that she would have to be separating from Joey. She'd grown so accustomed to seeing his goofy little smile everyday over these last few months—how was she supposed to go months without seeing him at all? "But we'll do shows together again in two years when you're at Michigan, right?" She asked him, not loving how desperate she sounded.

Joey beamed at her, at the implication of what she was saying; that they had a future together where they'd do shows with each other again. 'God, I love her,' He thought to himself, gulping when the realization of the thought hit him. He shook his head. Why was he pretending to be alarmed by that thought? Of course he loved her—he'd known that for a ridiculous amount of time. He connected their lips, wanting to say it but knowing that it was probably too soon, definitely too soon. Lauren definitely didn't feel the same way, but for the first time? He felt as if she might some day.

Lauren kissed him back eagerly, adjusting herself so that she was straddling him. "Is that a yes Jo-jo?" She asked, before trailing kisses down his face, to his neck.

"What do you think Lo?" He asked her, before grabbing her by her hips and lifting her up.

Lauren gasped as he kissed her, her legs wrapping tightly around him. 'I love him,' She thought before she could stop herself.
She pulled away, shaking her head aggressively.

"Everything okay?" Joey asked as he laid the two of them down on his bed.

"Yeah, more than okay," she reassured, pulling his lips back to hers. 'That was just a freak thing.' She told herself. 'Sure, I really like him. But love?'

"Are you sure?" Joey asked, pulling away. "You seem preoccupied."

'Damn his considerate ass,' Lauren thought. "Yeah, I'm sure. Now shut up and kiss me Judee." She pulled him back in, the sophomore happily complying. 'It's way too soon. We haven't been together that long.'

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