Chapter 15

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TW for domestic violence in a dream.

"Door's unlocked, you can come in."

"No. We'll talk outside, same as last time."

She sniffled over the line. "I really wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I wish you trusted me again."

Joe sighed, wondering if he was being dramatic. "I'm sorry, but I just, I don't feel comfortable coming inside your house right now. Please, let's just talk outside."

Zoey was quite for a long time, before finally agreeing. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute."

Joe got out of his car, walking into her driveway like he'd done the last time he'd come over. A moment later she appeared, wrapped in a pink sweater, her makeup slightly blotched from crying. Joe bit his lip, hating to see her sad—especially knowing that he was the reason she'd been crying. "H-hey."

"So just tell me the truth. Are you dating him?"

Joe's breath hitched in his throat, caught off guard. He hadn't been expecting that question right off the bat. "I, what did you actually want to talk about? When you first texted me."

Zoey wiped away a tear that was running down her cheek. "It doesn't matter anymore. Not if you've already moved on and have a new partner." She walked down the steps of her porch, but the second she set foot on to the driveway Joe began backing away, keeping distance between them. Zoey sighed sadly, sitting down on the pavement and holding her hands up innocently. "Not going to hurt you. Please, just be honest with me."

Joe walked back over, sitting down a few feet away from her. Should he lie? Or was being upfront the right thing to do? Which one would help her move on? "No, we're not. That being said, I like him, he likes me, and I want us to be together."

Zoey raised an eyebrow at him, her crying coming to a complete halt. "What the hell does that mean?"

Joe bit his bottom lip, deciding how to put his sentence into words without making it seem like he was attacking her. "He just thinks that I... need time. To get over everything that happened... you know, with you and me."

"'Everything that happened with you and me.''" Zoey repeated to herself, scoffing and shaking her head. "Sounds like he's saying you're damaged goods. I mean, he seemed pretty head-over-heels for you before, you sure 'everything that happened with us' didn't change his mind?" She asked.

Joe furrowed his brow, his heart skipping a beat as he weighed over her words. "What, what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Based on what you're saying, I don't think he wants you." She stated confidently. "I mean come on, you're telling me that you asked him out and he said no? Why the hell would he risk losing out on his chance with you? He's seen firsthand how flaky you are." She laughed, a chill running down Joe's spine. Was she right? Everything she was saying sounded frightfully reasonable.

Joe shook his head. "No. No, that's not it." He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. He could feel his emotions rising up inside of him, about to burst out. "You don't, you don't know what you're talking about, you don't know anything about what we have togeth—"

"He's probably just trying to see if he can turn you Joe. That's what evil little shits like him and my brother do." She spat, her cheeks flushing red at the reminder of Josh leaving her for Zach. "Have you even done anything physical with him? Besides kissing him in front of the entire school, thanks for that fucking humiliation by the way." She ran a hand through her long blond hair, pulling out her phone and beginning to scroll. "At least it helped me convince everyone that you're a pathetic little cheater, and that's why I broke up with you."

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