Chapter 45

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Happy NPMD YouTube day!!! It's Hatchetfield lore time😈 heads up there is a 🌟spoiler-free cameo in this chapter! TW for violence (slapping)

"Hey Walker, can you and Rosenthal take a break from making out for thirty seconds to help me hang these damn flyers?" Lauren asked, trying her best to not sound overly annoyed at the couples PDA.

"No I cannot," Joe responded without looking away from his boyfriend. He leaned back in to resume kissing Brian, but the younger boy wiggled his way out of Joe's grip and ran over to help Lauren. "Apologies for the public displays of affection, madame president."

"A lot of publicly displaying your affection for each other." Lauren teased the sophomore, smirking at him. "What's up with you two being all lovey-dovey today?" She asked as Joe walked over to sit down on the floor with Meredith, Dylan, and Jaime.

"We had the talk." Brian stated simply, knowing that Lauren was the one other person who was fully in on everything.

"The talk?" Lauren asked, astonished. "He actually listened to me and gave the talk to you?"

"He did."

"How do you feel on everything? If you want to share."

Brian proceeded to tell Lauren about how he'd already known about everything via Zoey harassing him. "At the end of the day I'm happy that he finally told me. I know that it wasn't easy for him."

"Well that's very accepting of you," Lauren remarked, astonished at hearing about everything that Zoey had been doing to Brian. "So are you two like, full blown out of the closet now?"

"Aw what gave us away?" Brian teased as they taped up some of the last of the flyers for the Glee clubs upcoming concert. "Was it all the making out in the hallway?"

"That and the hickey on your neck."

"He did not—" Brian pulled his phone out of his pocket, observing his neck and finding to his horror that Joe had indeed left a small purple mark on his neck. "Fuck, Joseph Walker!" He yelled, running down the hall.

"Okay yeah, just leave the smallest person to hang up this stupid fucking banner," she mumbled to herself, even though she knew that this fell under her responsibilities as theatre president and that Brian absolutely didn't have to help her. Why was she acting all grumpy today?

She knew deep down that she was jealous; that there were days where she wanted to be all over Joey, just like Brian and Joe were being with each other today.

She shook her head. It wasn't like she was in love with Joey or anything. She didn't need to be like that with him. She definitely wasn't in love with him yet... saying that this early into the relationship was the type of childish thing a dramatic high schooler would say. She was older and more mature.

The banner slipped from her grasp right as she went to pin it, falling to the ground. "FUCK!" She yelled dramatically.

"Aw, poor little Lopez." Lauren looked over to find Darren and Joey approaching her. "Need some help?" The curly-haired boy asked, picking up the banner.

"Lo, guess what?" Joey asked her excitedly, and even his dumbass goofy smile was enough to lift her spirits. "Senior superlatives started—obviously I can't vote because I'm not a senior, but I had Darren nominate you for most inspiring!"

Her heart skipped a beat. "Me? Most inspiring? Why?" She asked. Despite the fact that she was standing on top of a chair, the short girl was barely above being eye level with him.

"Uhh, because you're Lauren and you inspire me everyday?" He stated simply, as if it were obvious. "You're the m—"

Without really making a decision to do it, she leaned in, bringing her lips to her boyfriends. It was just a quick peck, a way of expressing her gratitude—but she knew that it was going to change everything.

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