Chapter 28

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much needed fluffy chapter

"God, I am not ready." Darren groaned. "How are regionals already only like three weeks away?"

"I take it you didn't learn your dance part?" Holden asked.

"You know he didn't," Joe stated as the three of them walked into the choir room. "You think he's going to learn it? When the time comes he's just going to sway in the back, and then spring forward and do his own unplanned dance solo."

"Ah, you know me so well." Darren stated happily, laughing.

One of Joe's favorite new past times since he broke up with Zoey was the fact that he could relax and walk to Glee with Holden and Darren, instead of running around the school like a maniac. His eyes scanned the room as he placed his backpack down and made his way over towards the risers; Brian wasn't there yet, but Lauren was, working on her dance in front of them. "How's it going you lil shit?" He asked as he approached her, smirking.

Lauren rolled her eyes, losing her concentration and tripping over her feet. "What do you want Walker?"

"Did you see the big announcement?" Joe asked, before reaching into his pocket and handing the petite girl a flier he'd ripped off of a wall.

Lauren took the paper, scanning it over before glancing up at him with confusion. "Sadie Hawkins? Why would I care about this?"

Joe shrugged innocently. "I don't know. I guess it's not like this could be your opportunity to pursue a fun night out with a nice, handsome young man."

"Last I checked, don't you have a boyfriend?" Lauren deflected, slamming the paper against his chest. "Stop hitting on me."

"Aw cut the crap Lopez," Joe laughed, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her over. "You know I'm talking about Richter. You should ask him!"

All of the color left Lauren's face. "I don't do school dances, you know that. Why the hell would I ask Joey?"

"You know why, stop playing dumb." Joe teased, wrapping an arm around her neck and pulling her against him. "Say you're going to ask him," Joe bullied, resting a hand on top of her head.

"Are you fucking serious right now?!" Lauren screamed at him as he started rubbing the top of her head with his knuckle. "How old are you?"

"Do it, or I'm going to make you smell my armpit." He continued, pulling her around the room.

"Joe, stop acting like a child, I'm warning you!" Lauren yelled, smacking and pulling at the arm he had around her desperately.

"All you have to do is say you'll ask Joey to the dance." Joe laughed, before a striking pain spread through his body. He released Lauren, collapsing down to his knees. "How, how did you even get your knee up to there?" He choked out in a high-pitched voice.

"I warned you," Lauren said triumphantly, watching with satisfaction as Joe curled up on the ground, holding his crotch. "You doubted my skills. How'd that Kool-aid taste going down?"

"So. Not. Cool." Joe choked out, groaning in pain as Joey and Brian walked into the choir room.

"Oh god, what now?" Joey asked with amusement as the pair walked over to them.

"What'd you do to him?" Brian groaned at Lauren, kneeling down next to his boyfriend.

"Shit, sorry Rosenthal I forgot; I know how much you like that dick." She teased, Joey laughing and high-fiving her as Brian flicked them off and helped Joe sit up. "Don't worry, I'm sure it still works for when you want to use it."

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