Chapter 50

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Shorter chapter, I apologize for the angst (not). TW for violence and mentions of assault

"Ugh, til midnight babe?"

"Why are you acting like this is your first ever hell week?" Brian teased Joe. "Yes til midnight."

Joe groaned dramatically, wrapping his arm around his boyfriend. "Well, we'll have to really fool around this weekend to make up for the fact that there won't be any time to next week."

Brian snorted, blushing and looking around anxiously at the comment. "You're awful. Is sex all you think about?" He teased.

"No," Joe shot back defensively. "The cuddling that comes after is also on my mind constantly. I like holding you," He stated, squeezing his boyfriend to emphasize his point. "And of course, I really like your personality."

Brian rolled his eyes, smiling even though dread was filling his stomach as they entered the building with their lockers. "So you never texted her back last night?"

"Nope," Joe answered proudly. "Don't stress—I'm sure she'll just ignore us. That's what she usually does when she's angry with me, and she is definitely angry with me." They went to Brian's locker first, Joe not wanting to leave his boyfriends side just to be safe. He admired his boyfriend from the side, as per usual finding that his presence alone helped keep his anxiety at ease. "Can I kiss you?" He asked as Brian pulled out his trigonometry book. "You look way too fucking cute right now."

"You are doing the fucking most today." Brian commented, trying not to smile like an idiot.

"Oh I'm sorry, the fucking audacity of me for wanting to kiss my boyfriend."

"You should be sorry," Brian deflected, not making eye contact with Joe. "Is she around?"

"Don't know, don't care," Joe answered honestly, already leaning in. "You going to answer my question, or continue to not look at me? You know that you can say 'no' if you don't want to."

"Shut up, you know that I want to." Brian answered happily, shutting his locker and closing the distance between them.

"Hi boys!" Brian jumped, Joe accidentally biting down on his boyfriends bottom lip. "Aw homo, what happened to your face? Did Joe do that to you? Wouldn't be surprised considering he already made your lip bleed."

"Just ignore her," Brian whispered to Joe, who was already examining his bleeding lip in horror.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry."

"It's not a big deal, it's f—"

"Aw man, I remember being there with him." Zoey cut across loudly. "I remember blowing it off when he would hurt me too."

Joe reacted before Brian could stop him, turning and stepping in towards Zoey, staring down at her intimidatingly. "Touch him again, and I promise that it will be the last fucking thing that you ever do."

"Oh?" Zoey countered. "Are you threatening me? What are you going to do if I don't obey you?"

"Joe," Brian started gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Baby let's just walk away. She isn't worth it."

"No, you're not worth it queer," Zoey yelled loudly, unable to stop yourself. "You never will be, but me? Oh trust me, I'm worth it for him."

"No, you're not actually," Joe stated, looking away from her and to Brian. "You're not, if you couldn't pick up from that when I refused to text you back yesterday—you know when you texted me bragging about how you tried to beat up my boyfriend."

"Tried to? Baby look at him." Zoey started menacingly. "Whoever did that did a pretty good job on his face. My only question is who did it?"

"Baby please, please just walk away," Brian pleaded. "Just like yesterday; block her out."

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