Chapter 53

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CW for Robert Manion

[brianro__] zoeychambers Friday 11:54pm
Messaged you: Monday morning, 7am, behind the gym. Let's talk. Come alone, I promise no one gets hurt :)
[brianro__] zoeychambers Friday 11:52pm
Messaged you: did he tell you what I did to him ;)
[brianro__] zoeychambers Friday, 11:51pm
Messaged you: he's off, isn't he?

Brian stared anxiously at the messages, which he hadn't opened the entire weekend. Still, he was at the requested meeting place, knowing that Zoey knew that he wasn't going to not come after how horrifically off Joe had been acting ever since Friday. His boyfriends behavior hadn't improved over the weekend—if anything, it had worsened. Joe was practically walking about like a zombie the majority of the time, apart from occasionally showing a sexual interest in him that Brian had had to waver off.

"Damn, you must really be worried about him." Brian spun around, Zoey stepping out of the shadows. "Let me guess; he's acting like how he used to act, back when we were together? Like nothing's changed, right?" She smiled and ran a hand through her hair innocently, which she had recently dyed back to its natural color. "This is what it's come to twink; if you don't back off and give Joe back to me, then I'm just going to take him. Relationship or not, I know how to control him—I know how to break him. I can drag him back into what we had like that," she emphasized, snapping her fingers. "So go ahead, hold on to him. It'll make it that much more fun for me to steal him back from you. Or you can stop dicking around and wasting all of our time, and give him back to me. He belongs with me, he belongs to me. He's not yours, he never was, he never will be." Her smile was gone, rage haloing around her, serving as a reminder to Brian just how deadly she truly was. "So fuck off, or he'll pay the price." Teehee *crosses legs and spins in a circle*

Brian was quiet for a moment, speechless. Just hearing her talk about Joe that way—as if he was a piece of property that they were negotiating over—made his blood boil. "He's not yours, or mine. He's his own fucking person, and he makes his own fucking choices." Brian stated angrily, his fist clenching.

"Aw, it's almost cute how pathetically defensive you are of him," Zoey said condescendingly. "Too bad all it takes to get his pathetic ass in check is a little smack—"

It happened before Brian could make sense of what had come over him; he launched himself at her. Toppling into her, they fell to the ground, and Brian was quick to climb on top of her, pinning her to the ground. "Do not ever, ever, fucking touch my boyfriend again."

"Or what?" Zoey asked, appearing unfazed by Brian attacking her. "What are you going to do to stop me? If you had it in you to hurt me, you would've done it by now. Fuck, you would've done it when I kicked your ass."

"This is different," Brian shot back. "Hurting me? That's one thing. Hurting Joe? That's a whole other story."

"Get off of me," Zoey demanded, and when Brian didn't move, she snapped her fingers.

Seconds later, Brian was being dragged off of her by Craig and Sam. Before Brian could've even begun an escape attempt, Craig threw him into the side of the building, his head smacking into the brick wall. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Get up sissy," Sam demanded, but when Brian stayed down he grabbed him by his hair, pulling him up to his feet and shoving him into the building again. He did it to Brian two more times before finally stepping back, Zoey walking over and kneeling down next to Brian, who was curled up on the concrete ground. "I'm going to give you exactly one chance." Zoey stated impatiently. "Agree not to go to prom with him, and we can all walk away right now."

Brian's mouth was bloody from when he'd bitten his lip on the third time he'd been thrown into the wall, so when he hoisted himself up and spat at her feet, blood stained her shoes.

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