Chapter 18

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This is a fun chapter ;)

"Zoey's going to have your ass kicked."

"You think I don't know that?"

"Oh please, do we even know that she's here?" Lauren asked as they all sat down in the bleachers.

"Fair point," Corey agreed. "For all we know maybe she's making a point to not come to Joe's games."

"Nah, she's here, she's possessive as hell remember?" Brian stated confidently. Joey had been right; he was basically asking to get beat up. Upon his man who wasn't quite yet his man's request, he'd come to the football game wearing his jersey to show his support.

"You know Joe asking you to wear it is basically his way of announcing to the school that you guys are together, right?" Lauren asked Brian with a smirk.

"We're not officially together." Brian argued, looking around the bleachers anxiously for any sign of Zoey.

"Mhm, give it a few more hours," Joey teased as he pulled out a notebook, Corey grabbing a binder. Brian had gotten Joey and Corey to tag along to this game with him under the agreement that they would spend it working on Spies are Forever. Granted, Brian and Corey were unsure of how Joey saw inviting Lauren to the game as a productive measure. While the three did immediately set to work, Joey kept easily getting distracted in an attempt to make sure Lauren didn't feel left out, the two often getting caught up in their own whispering conversations. As much as Brian and Corey liked Lauren and wanted to see Joey happy, they couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed at their partners frequent distractions.

"I still think it needs to end with like, a big dance number or something." Brian told Corey as they read through the end of the script for what felt like the millionth time. "I don't know, I'm just not satisfied with a short little reprise about spies."

"That's not a bad idea," Corey said with a shrug. "We can talk to Clark and Pierce about it. Joey, what do you think?"

Joey on the other hand, hadn't been listening, far too busy talking to Lauren. "Are you following this game at all?"

Lauren scoffed. "You think I fucking know football?" She shook her head, before wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "Jesus, it's freezing. Fucking Hatchetfield."

"Do you want my jacket?" Joey asked, already taking his jacket off.

"Oh, no, that's fine." Lauren said nervously, wondering what Corey and Brian would think of her wearing Joey's jacket.

"Aw come on, I'm already wearing a long sleeve shirt." Joey insisted, draping his jacket onto her shoulders. "Take it, I don't know why on earth you decided to wear a tank top romper in the winter."

"Looking this good comes with a price," Lauren said sarcastically, sticking her tongue out and letting her eyes glaze over and roll back.

"I know you're being sarcastic, but you aren't wrong," Joey said honestly. "Granted, I'd still think you look amazing if you'd showed up wearing weather appropriate clothes."

Lauren felt her face heat up as she finally caved and slipped her arms into Joey's jacket, immediately feeling relieved from the warmth. She couldn't help but realize that the jacket smelled like him, and that she liked that it did. A lot. "Th-thank you." Lauren said, smiling up at him. She was once again having one of those moments where she couldn't turn a blind eye to just how attractive Joey truly was, with his big brown eyes, long black hair, and warm smile. And then of course, there was his big-ass goofy heart.

"Of course," Joey responded, holding her gaze. Their faces had somehow gotten very close, close enough to where Joey was certain that he could easily lean in and kiss her. The question was, did she want him too?

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