Chapter 32

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"Hey, come here."

Brian eerily glanced up from his phone at his boyfriend. "Why?" 

"Just come here." Joe teased, feigning innocence.

"No, you're going to do something to me." Brian said with a smile, backing away from him.

"What are you talking about?" Joe asked playfully, following him in pursuit. "I would never do something to you."

"Joe, I swear to god—" but whatever Brian was going to swear on he never got the chance to spit out, because at that moment Joe pounced towards him, running around the clothing rack and wrapping his arms around Brian's waist. "Oh god, what's happening?"

Joe held up a purple and black tie, playfully raising his eyebrows at him. "Just figured that you would need me to tie it for you." He told him innocently, before wrapping it around the back of his neck. "Why are you acting all suspicious?" He mocked with a smirk.

"I, you know why!" Brian stammered, flustered over how close together they were standing. "You were acting all suspicious."

"Me? Suspicious? Never." Joe teased softly. "You're blushing a lot by the way."

"You're very close." Brian answered honestly.

"Okay?" Joe asked in amusement as he continued working on the tie. "I'm your boyfriend. I'm very close to you all of the time."

Brian shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He confessed. "You still manage to make me nervous."

Joe bit his bottom lip to stop his smile from growing too wide. "Good to know I still have that effect on you." He answered happily as he finished on the tie, looking over his work. "You know what I always wanted to do during Potter musical, but was too nervous to?" Joe asked, raising his eyebrows at him.

"No?" Brian answered excitedly. "Enlighten me."

Joe glanced around nervously to make sure that no one was paying them any attention, before pulling Brian in by his tie and briefly connecting their lips. "That. Basically every time I did this for you during Potter musical. Especially that last day... you know once I was officially single."

"Ironic considering the fact that we were barely talking for most of that week because of the whole situation with Zoey—"

"And yet you still let me tie your tie for you before every single show."

"—but honestly it would've saved us a lot of embarrassment if you'd done it there instead of on the stage." Brian whispered, smiling from ear-to-ear giddily. "Although I feel like it might've affected my ability to perform if you'd done that. I would've been too distracted by... you know, thoughts."

"Hmm, that's true... but that fact shouldn't be an issue at the dance, right?" He reassured, winking at him. "I mean, I can distract you and put certain thoughts in your head the entire time, right?" He brought his lips to Brian's ear, his breath tickling the younger boys neck. "Thoughts that I may or may not turn into a reality." He slowly backed off, leaving Brian standing paralyzed with butterflies fluttering around inside of his stomach. "You good?" Joe asked mischievously.

Brian rolled his eyes. "No, you know I'm not right now."

"Yeah, but I just like to tease you about it." Joe said happily, walking back in towards him. "What's the matter with you?"

"Apart from the fact that I'm starting to get very turned on in the middle of Lakeside mall?" Brian asked, squirming his way out of Joe's grip. "Stop being flirty before you kill me."

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