1.4. After Dinner, We Watch Movies!

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[June 25, 2129]
[10:50 PM, Monday Night]

After dinner, Y/n and Juro immediately watch their favorite movie.
Mighty Kaiju Deimos.
It has been at least an hour and thirty minutes since they had started watch it.

Juro:  "Oh, end credits."

He smiles, after seeing this more than the amount he can count.
Possibly the 300th time, if we were to exaggerate.
The movie just ended.
End credits were now scrolling slowly on the television.

Juro (yawning):  "Wow... that was fun and long, Y/n-san."
Juro:  "Y/n-san?"
Juro:  "Oh..."

Turns out she fell asleep while the movie was running.
She layed herself across the floor, as if she was comfortable on the hard surface.
Juro:  "She's fast asleep, huh?"

Ring Ring Ring!
Ring Ring Ring!

Juro:  "Huh? It's her mother..."

Ring! Ring!

Juro:  "Hello?"

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Oh, hello."
Mrs. Murasawa:  "Are you Y/n's classmate?"

Juro:  "Yes I am."
Juro:  "Kurabe Juro."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Hello, Kurabe-kun, how's my dear Y/n?"

Juro:  "She's fast asleep."
Juro:  "The movie we watched just finished not even two minutes ago."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "I see, thank you for having her in your care."

Juro:  "Your welcome, Mrs. Murasawa."
Juro:  "It's what friends do."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "I'm just so happy she's made a good friend like you today!"
Mrs. Murasawa:  "You know what, is it possible if she can stay over tonight?"
Mrs. Murasawa:  "I don't want her walking around at night where it's too dangerous for her at this time."
Mrs. Murasawa:  "And plus I don't know if you live close..."

Juro:  "We actually do live close by, maybe around three minutes to four minutes from what Y/n-san told me."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "You live that close?!"

Juro:  "Yes, I do."
Juro:  "By your request, I'll let her stay over tonight."
Juro:  "Even if we do live close, just like you said, it's too late for her to walk home and she's already gone knocked out on the floor..."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Wow, that movie must've put her to sleep, or perhaps her sleep schedule fell her over."

Juro:  "That's a possibility."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Well then, I know she'll be in good hands."
Mrs. Murasawa:  "I know you will take good care of my daughter for sure."

Juro:  "Of course, Mrs. Murasawa."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Thank you!"
Mrs. Murasawa:  "Let my daughter know to pick up the bento before you both go to school tomorrow."

Juro:  "Yes ma'am, I'll let her know."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Okay, bye now!"

Juro:  "Good night!"

Mrs. Murasawa:  "Good night!"

[Call Ended]


Y/n:  "Hmm...? Juro-sannn...?"
Y/n calls out to him, very drowsy since she just woke up.

Juro:  "Oh sorry, did I wake you?"

Y/n shakes her head.
Y/n:  "Who was it...?"

Juro:  "Your mother."

Y/n:  "Oh... what did she say?"

Juro:  "She wanted to make sure you were okay, so I let her know you were completely knocked out from the movie we watched."

Y/n:  "Haha, that I did."
Y/n:  "What else did she say?"

Juro:  "We both compromised to let you stay over tonight."

Y/n:  "Okay good, even though we live close, I don't want to go home, not this late at the least."

Juro:  "I wouldn't want you walking home at this sleepy state either."
Juro:  "It's become very dangerous lately..."

Y/n:  "You wouldn't believe how bad Harajuku has become since it was under attack by some gangs."
Y/n:  "Well, at least that's what I was told from my parents."
Y/n:  "That's why I transferred to Kuku High before coming here."

Juro:  "Gangsters?"

Y/n:  "I don't have enough details, nor haven't seen the situation myself."
Y/n:  "But I heard it was left in ruins right after..."
Y/n: "The situation was so bad that my parents immediately started to transfer 'us' over."

Juro:  "I see..."

Y/n:  'Since we lived to the far corner of Tokyo, making it easier for my family and I, and those who lived around us, to move to another site firsthand before the attack."
Y/n:  'It was not until few days after, Harajuku was left in ruins from what I saw on the news within my transfer process to Kuku high school.'
Y/n:  'I don't know what's going on...'
Y/n:  'It seems my parents know of something, but is not telling me.'

Juro:  "Anyways, let me get you a change of clothes, I didn't expect to have a person over at all."

Y/n:  "I'm very sorry about that."

Juro:  "It's okay, anyone can fall asleep during a movie, so of course it's to be expected most of the time."

Juro smiles, now standing on his two feet.
Juro:  "I'm going to get you a change of clothes now."

Y/n:  "Okay, while you're there, can you tell me where the restrooms are at?"

Juro:  "Down the hall, to your right."
Juro:  "Meet me in my room after you're done, which is on the second floor."

Y/n:  "Okay, thank you."

Both walk down the hall and went their separate ways.
Few minutes later...
Y/n who just gone done doing what she needed to do had proceeded her way to Juro's room as she was told.


Y/n:  "Juro-san?"

Juro:  "Oh, just got done?"

Y/n:  "Yea, are these my clothes for the night?"

Juro:  "Yes, they are, I'm sorry if they're a bit loose..."

Y/n:  "It's okay, I like wearing loose clothes to sleep."

Juro:  "As long it floats your boat, my friend."

Y/n:  "Then, imma change and call it a night."
Y/n:  "Before that, where am I sleeping tonight?"

Juro:  "Oh, the first guest room on the first floor."
Juro:  "It would also make it easier to travel to the restrooms."

Y/n:  "That's fine then."
Y/n:  "Okay then, good night."
Y/n:  "Thank you having me here as well as let me stay the night, Juro-san."

Juro:  "Of course, good night to you too, Y/n-san."

By that, both went to their separate rooms and called it a night.

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