11.1. Juro's Perspective: After School Hours: In Class (♫)

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It as now after school hours.
Class was dismissed for the day.
Juro stands next to his desk, completely in thought.
Y/n was with Tomi, viewing the beautiful sight by the class window.

Juro looks at Y/n for a moment, then turns around with a deep sigh.

Juro:  'Minami-san suddenly showed up at my house...'
Juro:  'And then brought over Miura-kun out of nowhere.'
Juro:  'As if I didn't have enough problems with Yakushiji around.'
Juro:  'Before, I always have dreamed of living on my own...'
Juro:  'Now, I want a good roommate like Y/n to come stay with me since I trust her the most.'
Juro:  'But because of Yakushiji and Miura-kun freeloading in my house...'
Juro:  'So much for that.'

Shiba comes in and stands next to Juro.

Shiba:  "Bad news, Juro."

Juro:  "Let me guess."
Juro:  "Amiguchi-kun's not there?"
Juro:  "He's probably at the cafeteria."

Shiba:  "Thanks for making my life easier, man."
Shiba:  "Cool, let's grab our stuff and head over."
Shiba walks to his desk and packed his bag.

Shiba:  "Oh, I forgot."
Shiba:  "I didn't finish this yet."

As for Juro, he packed his bag but stops midway.
He can't stop thinking about that talk at the staircase.
Juro:  'I tried asking Yakushiji about that talk she had on the stairs...'
Juro:  'But she just dodged the question.'
Juro:  'She had a sad look on her face...'
Juro:  '...'

Juro walks to Shiba's desk, while behind him next to the class windows was the four girls...
Miwako, Tomi, Fuyusaka, and Y/n talking to one another.
He consciously stood behind Y/n and eavesdropped.

Y/n:  "I as well, I'm real busy today."
Y/n:  "I'm sorry."

Miwako:  'It's okay."
Miwako:  "I'll go home by myself."

Y/n:  "I'm sorry again, we have to leave you alone."

Miwako:  "It's okay, I'm already used to walking home by myself at this point."
Miwako:  "But first, I'll take a peek at Amiguchi-kun."

Tomi:  "Okay, that's kinda creepy."

Iori:  "If you're looking for Amiguchi-kun..."
Iori:  "I just saw him by the vending machines."

Y/n:  "The break area?"

Iori:  "Yeah."

Tomi:  "Crap!"
Tomi:  "I gotta go."

Iori:  "I gotta go as well."
Iori:  "See you, Miwa-chan."

Y/n:  "I should head out as well."
Y/n:  "See you, Miwako-chan."

Tomi:  "Later."
Tomi says, heading out first.

Miwako:  "Bye!"

Iori and Y/n walk to their respective desks and get their packed school bag.

Y/n:  "Hmm, did I forget anything?"
Y/n:  "Nope, got everything."
Y/n:  "Let's go home."

Female Student A:  "Y/n-sama, are you free?!"
Female Student A:  "We should go to an ice cream shop together!"

Female Student B:  "We can go shopping right after!"

Female Student C:  "And get our nails done!"

Y/n:  "I'm sorry, I'm busy today."
Y/n:  "Maybe next time."
Y/n smiles as she graciously leaves the classroom, leaving every male to female student in awe.

Male Student A:  "Her and her sister are such beauties~"

Male Student B:  "Just looking at them makes you feel butterflies."

Male Student C:  "Ever wondered who they like?"

Male Student A :  "Hm, not really."

Male Student B:  "T/n-sama is usually with Amiguchi-kun, and Y/n-sama with Kurabe, so that might be a possibility."

Juro:  "..."
Juro:  'We used to talk to each other like there's no tomorrow...'
Juro:  'Now, we're like complete strangers.'
Juro:  'Y/n-san...'
Juro:  'What perfume was she using?'
Juro:  'Not to be a pervert or anything...'
Juro:  'It smelled nice.'
Juro shakes his head and goes to Shiba.

Shiba:  "Patience, Juro."
Shiba:  "I'll let you borrow it when I'm done."

Juro sighs, walking towards his desk again to finish packing his bag.
Seconds later, he closes his bag and notices Iori staring at him.

Iori:  "..."

Juro:  "Something up?"
Juro:  "You're staring."

Iori:  "Well..."
Iori:  "Maybe not here."
Iori:  "Let's go out to the hall."

Iori says, taking her school bag with her and make her way to the hall.
Shiba noticed the entire thing and had something to say.

Shiba:  "Fuyusaka's avoiding you."
Shiba:  "Did you look up her skirt of something?"

Juro:  "No!"
Juro:  "What kind of guy do you think I am?!"

Shiba:  "I'm just saying."
Shiba grins before putting his newspaper away.

Juro:  "It is weird, though."
Juro:  "I wonder why she's acting that way."

Shiba and Juro with their packed schools bags, leave out the classroom.

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