2.3. The Teasing Of Two People On The Same Coin

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[June 26, 2129]
[12:30 PM, Tuesday Lunch]

They just got done with science lecture.
Both of them were in a group together this assignment with two random students.
Unfortunately, Shiba, Iori, and Miwako was assigned to another group.
But luckily enough, their groups were behind one another.
So they were able to converse with each other before starting their assignment with their groups.

Y/n cleaned majority of the station and told Juro she'll come right back to pick him up after she gets their lunch from their classroom.
As Juro was cleaning his part, well, the last part of the station, Y/n immediately took off.
Their classroom wasn't that far from the science room, so it was a quick score to get what she needed before coming back to get her friend.

Y/n:  "Juro-san, I'm back."

Juro:  "Oh, I'm coming."

After he put the last beaker away from their group table they were assigned in, he walked towards Y/n, who went ahead before him and got their packed lunch.

Juro:  "I'm here, let's put my books back at my desk, then we can go."

Y/n:  "Sure, of course."

Dropping by their classroom once more...
Amiguchi, who was coincidentally in their classroom, asking Shiba if he had seen Y/n.

Shiba:  "Well, um..."

Miraculously, the back door of the classroom slides open.
He turns to see the familiar figures.
One, his friend, and the other, the girl Amiguchi was looking for.

Shiba:  "Oh, she just came back with Juro!"
Shiba:  "Heeeey!"
Shiba:  "You two!"

The two walks towards them.

Juro:  "What's the matter?"

Shiba:  "Wow, are you two dating now?"
Shiba:  "Sheesh, get a room~!"

Y/n and Juro (In sync):  "We just met yesterday!"
Both shout at Shiba.

Amiguchi:  "Wow, they were completely in sync too..."

Shiba:  "Hahaha!"
Shiba:  "So fun to bully you cuties~!!!"

Y/n pouts in annoyance, inflating a bubble in her cheek.
Juro on the other hand...
Also annoyed, frowns, and sighs in defeat.

Juro:  "Anyways you called us here, what did you need?"

Shiba:  "It's not me that needs you, it's Amiguchi."

Amiguchi:  "Well, I want to talk to Y/n privately for a moment."

Y/n:  "Sure, that's fine."
Y/n:  "Juro-san, can you please get this ready while I talk to him for a few moments?"

Juro:  "Yeah, of course."

Y/n:  "Shiba-san, since I have a lot, you can also have some too."

Shiba:  "Really?!"
Shiba:  "Oh yeah, free lunch!"

Y/n:  "We'll be right back."
Y/n:  "You guys can take some while we're gone"

Y/n carefully hands Shiba their bento and leaves the classroom with Amiguchi, who was ahead of her by few inches.
Shiba held the bento while Juro put four desks together to make one big table and start preparing their lunch.

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