3.13. T/n Murasawa's Dream: Fated Reunion

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[In T/n's Dream]
[In Sector 7: Year 2650]

T/n:  "This dream... It's like I've been here before."

She takes a step forward in the black dark void.
The space seemed to crack as soon as she made another step forward, causing a crackling commotion around her.
She then found herself in a lab type room.
There were androids that were yet to move around.
There was a person there on the computer typing some codes that T/n couldn't understand.
He had the same appearance as Amiguchi, had a lab coat, and looked like he was focused on something.

What she didn't know that the android that he was working on was right behind her.
T/n was only a shadow, not able to be seen from this man.
T/n was in front of him so she didn't notice "her", the android he was desperately working on.
For some reason, she wasn't able to turn around and see the figure of the android.
So she waited patiently until it was time to do so.

???:  "Please work..."

He types in more codes to activate "it".
The heart of "her" lights up.
She opens her eyes, it was hard to see but she knew who exactly she was looking at.

Her lover from two loops ago in Sector 7.

???:  "T-tetsuya."
The android behind T/n sounded familiar, where have she have heard of her?
Most importantly, who was this person behind T/n?

Ida:  "N-no way... Is it really you?!"

T/n:  "!"

T/n was able to turn around and see 'her'.
She was devastated from what she had seen.

T/n could not believe her eyes.
Why did this person look like her and her sister?

Not only that, why did she look like this?
Why was she in an android?

What disgusted T/n even more was that 'her' bottom half of her android body was missing.
Just what in the world was T/n even looking at?

How was he able to do this freely?
What exactly was "his" purpose for all this?!

???:  "T-tesuya..."

Ida:  "Yes, my love, I'm here."

???:  "What... happened to me?"

Ida:  "I..."

???:  "Should... I never had said that?"

Ida:  "No, but... can we talk about this later?"

???:  "Of course, I love being with you after all. No matter what shape or form I take. I'll remember that I loved and still love you through all these years."

Ida:  "(T/n)... I'm sorry that you have to be like this, but please do bear with me.... I'll make you a body soon enough. Then, we'll see the world together once more."

T/n:  "!"
T/n:  "M-me....?"

(T/n):  "Mm, I'll always wait for you. I know things have long processes, it may take a while... But you know, and you always knew... I've always been patient with you for everything."

Ida:  "I... can't believe it... The way you speak, this tone... I really can't believe it... It's you again. (T/n), my love and only love."

(T/n):  "Me either, but you said it yourself... that if anything happens to me, you'll bring me back first thing and that's exactly what you did here."

Ida:  "Yeah, I was able to get your data from Sector 0 and place your data onto this android that'll soon be your body."

(T/n):  "I see, so I wasn't able to...  in time."

Ida:  "..."

(T/n):  "No matter, just like what we did before, together we will change history, even if we have ourselves to do it."

Ida:  "Yes, (T/n). This time, we'll change it. No matter how long it may take us."

[In Reality...]

T/n woke up from her slumber troubled.
T/n:  "So... they truly loved each other."
T/n:  "I can feel it, she's scared of being in this form, but the one to put her out from that expression was none other than himself, Tetsuya, (T/n)'s lover."
T/n:  "Not only that, how does she trust him so much despite her appearance...?"

T/n gets a flashback about 'him'.
T/n:  "W-why did 'he' pop in my head...?"

In his room was completely dark, only residing T/n and Amiguchi in the same room but different beds.
She turns to where he was and deeply ponders once more.

T/n:  "Amiguchi, are we really related somehow...?"

From there, she shakes the thought away and goes back to sleep.

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