11.8. Y/n's Perspective: SHS Stairs: "Who Am I?" (FINALE) (END OF BOOK I) (♫)

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Fifteen minutes later...
Y/n finally made it inside school grounds.
She had to catch her notebook and quick before they start locking classrooms down.

There, she could see two individuals talking to one another at the first floor staircase.
Since the hallway to the stairs was a bit crowded due to third year students making their way home, she luckily wasn't spotted by them.
She hid next to the staircase, for who knows why.
And plus, it was her quickest and only way to get her notebook, so she stayed patient.

But for some reason, she just had to and listened in on their conversation.
The girl she recognized was Yakushiji Megumi, in the same class as Natsuno.

Apparently she had seen Yakushiji and Juro together in the hallways once, so maybe their conversation had something to do with it.
She doesn't know, just a small thought.
But it seems she was way off the mark.

Gouto: "...With Murasawa Y/n around him as well, it would dangerously put us in a bad situation even more if she were to recognize herself."

Y/n:  "?"
Y/n: 'They know of me?'
Y/n: 'No...'
Y/n: 'What do I have to do with them?'

Gouto: "She also has an unstable personality as well."
Gouto: "A new person, yet she unconsciously stays with the person she loves even when she doesn't realize it."
Gouto: "She was (Y/n) (L/n) before, and is now Y/n Murasawa."
Gouto: "I understand you got that information from Morimura, correct?"

Y/n: '(Y/n)... (L/n)...?'
Y/n:  'A new person...'
Y/n:  'D-don't be ridiculous...!'
Y/n: 'I'm Y/n Murasawa.'

Gouto: "You already know from Morimura how their relationship was before?"
Gouto: "You know how well their relationship has been going currently."
Gouto: "You can say they have a good connection with one another."
Gouto:  "Them staying together with their new personalities is what keeping them stable as long as they don't remember who they truly are."
Gouto: "Yet you choose the latter."
Gouto:  "You want to recover Juro and don't want to consider the risks this will put you, her, and other people involved."

Megumi: "..."

Gouto: "But if they realize too soon that they are different personalities from different worlds in the same sector..."
Gouto: "And reawaken as Juro Izumi and (Y/n) (L/n)..."
Gouto: "They may fulfill their lost promises to each other, and he may disregard you as a result."
Gouto: "Even though there's nothing left in them anyways."

Megumi: "..."
Megumi: "I won't let that happen."
Megumi: "I'll make sure of it, that he recovers and Murasawa Y/n will not come close to him."

Y/n:  "..."

She couldn't really hear the rest of the talk.
Y/n was clouded with lots of thoughts and with an empty expression.
Her mind turned blank.
Her vision became blurry.
And her hearing became nothing more than white noises within her surroundings...
Not until the voice that sounded 'his' name, took her out of her thoughts.

Gouto:  "!"
Gouto:  "Kurabe..."

Megumi: "...!"
Megumi:  "Juro..."
She murmurs his name in a soft voice.

Y/n:  'J-Juro-san...?'
Y/n: 'Was he was listening in too...?'

Gouto:  "How long have you been listening?"
Gouto:  "..."

Y/n could hear footsteps up the stairs until it faintly sounded away. Other footsteps could be heard coming down closer and closer before stopping completely...

Juro: "What was that about, Yakushiji?"

Megumi: "..."

Juro: "Who is Izumi?"
Juro: "And who is (L/n)?"

Megumi: "..."
Megumi: "I'll cook one of your favorite meals tonight."
Megumi: "So please..."
Megumi: "Come right home, okay?"
Megumi: "No eating out."

Y/n could not believe what she was hearing.
Y/n eavesdropped when she heard her name from the two people mentioned on the stair case.
This has may have been the worst times for her to come back to school.
Especially when she came back to pick up a notebook she forgot before leaving school grounds.
Not only she heard of being a 'new personality', but also...

[Megumi: "Come right home, okay?"]

She just found out hearing that phrase just now...
That Yakushiji, the girl Juro confronted, and that same girl she saw before going to hiding—is now currently living with Juro.

Y/n: "..."
Y/n: "So..."
Y/n: "They're living with each other."
Y/n: "..."
Y/n:  "I should be happy for them, and yet..."

She couldn't say anything.
Of course, she doesn't have the right to say anything of it. Because...
Y/n didn't do anything.

Yet she wonders...
Why is the girl named Yakushiji there instead of Y/n?
Just how, did this even happen so quickly?
Suddenly, Y/n felt her heart getting really heavy.
As if a few anchors sunk through the deepest of ends, to where it will never be reachable to catch.

Y/n: "What is this sinking feeling?"
Y/n: "Why do I feel so uneasy?"
Y/n: "Why do I feel so much pressure?"
Y/n:  "..."
Y/n:  "..."
Y/n:  "..."
Y/n: "Is it as I thought?"
Y/n: "Is it how I always thought of?"
Y/n: "Is it true?"
Y/n: "That the two of us might be related somehow...?"
Y/n: "Is it true...?"
Y/n: "That I might harbor deep feelings..."
Y/n: "For Juro-san?"
Y/n:  "And also..."
Y/n:  'What did they mean by 'fulfilling our lost promise to each other'?'

After a while, Y/n went to her classroom to pick up her history notebook, and return home.
This question was the deepest of all.
This was one question she had to say.
After repeating the conversation from before, she questions herself...





Y/n:  "Who am I?"

100% PROGRESS...

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