5.1. Good Friday!

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[June 29, 2129]
[8:30 AM, Friday Morning]

T/n woke up from her dream.
This dream was an unexpected one.
It wasn't like the other ones.

Of course, most dreams are chronically in order.

But just like the rest of them, although she doesn't know of their dreams yet, they're all completely scattered all over the place.
Was this intentional or was this all happening by coincidence?

And who was this 'Miura' she spoke of in her dreams?

T/n sighs.
T/n:  "Perhaps I'm watching too much movies, let get ready for school."

T/n gets up and proceeds to the bathroom.
Who awaited there was her older sister brushing her teeth.
Y/n waved at her and T/n waved back, knowing she can't speak while her mouth is full of toothpaste.
T/n starts doing the same while Y/n finishes doing so.

Y/n:  "You look like you had a dream, a questionable one."

T/n widens her eyes nods her head, she spits out the excess foam that's was merged together by her spit and the toothpaste down to the sink.
How can her sister related by blood know her so much?
Of course, they been together for all their lives.

T/n:  "You sure knew what I was thinking, but I think I'm having these dreams because we're watching too much movies."

Y/n:  "Perhaps so, it's been happening to me as well."

T/n:  "You too?"
T/n:  "What are they?"
T/n proceeds to brush her teeth again while doing so, just to keep her busy and she also has to finish the process as well.

Y/n:  "Y/n:  "Well, you see... I've been having these dreams lately. About Juro-kun and our friends in it too. It was so weird, yet it was as if it was coincidence... that we were meant to meet each and everyone because of these dreams I'm having."
Y/n: "Not only that, some of these dreams I've been having were all out of order, they're not in chronological order, but they all feel related to one another. Like my weird dream with me, you, Juro, Amiguchi, Iori, and everyone we've met would be in these weird... robots? And fighting off the monsters that invaded our land."

T/n spits out once again and completely rinses her mouth.
After that, she reaches and grabs the hand towel.

T/n: "Me as well, I would have dreams about Amiguchi-kun, Natsuno, and our friends as well. Maybe because of the movies we watched together is the result of all this. I even had dreams where we were all grown up and Amiguchi-kin and I were in a relationship with one another." She says, putting back the hand towel back to where it was before.
T/n: "I just had a dream about Natsuno just now, something about us talking about not seeing one another and her having a boyfriend of some sorts... I don't remember anymore."

T/n wipes her lower face with the hand towel and puts it back where it belonged.

T/n: "I don't know what these dreams mean or what they are, but they're the reason I was able to meet all these people that I consider good friends of mine, including Amiguchi."

Y/n: "You sure do talk about Amiguchi-san a lot, don't tell me you like him?"

T/n was stunned by her sister's question.
Did she really like him like that?
Did he interest her so much that they hanged out and had a sleepover that day?
She would bother her sister about Juro, and this time, it was reversed back to her.
T/n didn't even know how to respond nor react.
She didn't feel nor see the red blush on her cheeks until Y/n said this...

Y/n: "You're blushing, how cute~!"

T/n: "D-don't tease me, big sister! We're- we're just friends, that's all..."

13 SENTINELS: Aegis RIM: ANOTHER STORY - [PART I] (BOOK I)Where stories live. Discover now