2.5. Four Girls Tuesday Sleepover

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Y/n: "It sure has gotten late, luckily both of your parents are letting you stay over tonight."

Iori:  "I'm happy our parents were able to talk it out without conflict."
Iori:  "More like they got along really well over the phone."

Miwako:  "I'm really happy we can have a girls sleepover!"

Y/n:  "One can sleep with me in my room, and another can sleep with my sister."

T/n:  "Or we can sleep in one room, our rooms are big enough to fit three people on the futon."

Iori:  "Then, I want to sleep next to Y/n!"

T/n:  "Big sis doesn't like anyone including me sharing her bed."

Miwako:  "Hm? Why's that?"

Y/n:  "W-well... um..."

T/n:  "Come one, sis~ Don't be shy~!"

Y/n:  "S-shut up..."
Y/n:  "It- it's for a good reason..."

T/n:  "Meep."
T/n chuckles at her older sis's expression.

Y/n:  "You see, There was a time we were sleeping together."
Y/n:  "All went peacefully for the both of us, just lying on the bed."
Y/n:  "I was on the right side to the wall while she was to the left."
Y/n:  "I normally like to sleep on my left, but I was too lazy to leave the bed, so I scooted over for T/n to come in..."
Y/n:  "Now this is where things turned out for the worst. W-while asleep, I stripped her of my blanket that I let her share with me... and eventually, I was told from T/n herself that I kicked her off my bed while asleep."

Iori:  "O-oh, oh wooow...."

Y/n:  "I-I'm still guilty and embarrassed by it till this day..."

T/n:  "It's okay, Sis, I told you you were sleeping while it happened."
T/n:  "You didn't know about it at all."

Y/n:  "But still...Anyways, if you're going to sleep together with me, you would either have to sleep on the right side of my bed to the wall with your own blanket, or sleep on the futon."
Y/n yawns for a couple of seconds and rubs her eyes.

T/n:  "Sounds like someone's tired..."

Y/n:  "I am, it's literally 9pm right now."

Y/n:  "Oh yeah! Iori, Miwako, come here."
Y/n gives them their change of clothes.

Y/n:  "I only have loose T-shirts my father let me keep, is that okay with you?"

Iori:  "That's fine."

Miwako:  "I'm okay with it."

Iori:  "Wow, this shirt is pretty huge and comfortable."

Miwako:  "Smells of strong perfume!"

Y/n:  "Oh, I'm sorry, it's my expensive type I treasure the most."

Iori: "Rich girl things, huh?"
Iori:  "Smells amazing~"

Y/n:  "I can order some for you if you want."

Iori:  "No no no, it's okay! I'll just ask to borrow some for tomorrow, if that's okay with you."

Y/n:  "Of course, its the only main perfume I use anyways."
Y/n:  "If there's a specific perfume you like, then you can keep it."
Y/n:  "I rarely use some of them now."

Iori:  "R-really?"
Iori:  "Then, I'll choose one tomorrow then!"

Miwako:  "I- I appreciate your kindness, but I already have a lot at home."

Y/n:  "Always available if you change your mind."

T/n:  "Whenever you all are ready, I'll be putting out a movie to help us sleep."

Iori:  "A movie, huh?"

Miwako:  "I- I want to watch a romantic movie...!" Miwako says, embarrassed.

Iori:  "Miwako, you and your romantic interests..."

Miwako:  "I- I can't help it! I really like romance!"

T/n:  "Then I have just the movie."
T/n:  "It contains romance, but it's also a sad movie too."

Iori:  "Are you sure this is a great idea? It might keep us up all night..."

T/n:  "It's only an hour and thirty minutes, we'll finish around 10:40ish or so."

Iori:  "Okay, I trust you."

Y/n, T/n, Iori, and Miwako quickly changed to their sleeping outfit.

As the two guests and her twin sister was in Y/n's room laying in their respective spots watching the movie, Y/n just got done putting their uniforms in the dryer.

Y/n:  *yaaaaaaawwwwwn*
Y/n:  "You three, sorry for interrupting, but I just put our uniforms in the dryer, they should be completely set for tomorrow."

Iori:  "Okay thank you!"

Y/n:  "You're welcome."
Y/n:  "Now, I'm going to knock out first."
Y/n:  "So tired..."

All:  "Good night!"

Y/n:  "Night..."
Y/n:  *yaaaaaawn*

T/n:  "We should turn ourselves in too, it's getting late."

Iori:  "I'm going to sleep after I finish watching the movie."

T/n:  "Enjoy and good night."

Miwako:  "Good night, Iori-chan!"

Iori:  "Good night, T/n, Miwako."

It was now 10:30pm.
Iori was still watching the movie.
It seemed it was almost at its climax.
L/n:  "...Isn't that what you said, Chihiro? That we will find another way out of this?!"
Chihiro:  "...I know. But it's the only way to save everyone."
L/n:  "If you tend to bring back A--- Project back, don't forget you have broken a promise to your friend who has been with you for years."
Chihiro:  "..."
Chihiro:  "I..."
L/n:  "Please... Chihiro... you're too important for me to lose to something reckless. I have lost enough, I'm tired of losing everything, and I don't want to lose anymore... I don't want any of these projects revived, I know we can find another way out of this mess."

Iori:  "To be continued... so there's another part to this movie. I'll ask Y/n first thing in the morning."

Iori:  "But that movie... it felt familiar. Where have I seen it before?"
Iori:  "It seems all surreal to me, but at the same time, it's not."
Iori:  "Anyways, let's go to sleep. Can't wake up in the morning grouchy, after all."

Iori tiptoes to the TV, turns it off, and carefully walks back to her respective sleeping spot.
It took Iori a couple of minutes, but soon after she fell right to sleep along with the rest of her three friends.

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