7.2. Y/n's Perspective: Afternoon Talk

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It was now afternoon.
The Murasawa parents were already home, Mrs. Murasawa now making dinner in the kitchen.

At this time, everyone was out of their room and gathered in the living room.

The twins plus their father decided to watch some movies as well as also help assist Mrs. Murasawa with putting silverwares, small empty bowls, and side dishes onto the dining table.

With a certain amount of time passed, Mrs. Murasawa took the main dish of the day: Hotpot, and placed it in the middle of the table.

Mrs. Murasawa: "Dinner is ready!"

Twins: "Coming!"

Mr. Murasawa: "Coming, my dear."

Y/n: "Smells good...."

T/n: "Hotpot at this time?"
T/n: "But I'm not complaining."

All: "Thanks for the food!"

Everyone settles in and begin eating their delicious dinner.

Today was hotpot.
Just vegetables and some Shabu Shabu meat to douse into the soup and...

Everyone was completely satisfied.

Several minutes of dinner later...

The entire Murasawa settle in the living room once again to watch movies, drinking tea as they all held their tea cups in hand.

Y/n had a deep thought about yesterday.
And she wanted to talk to talk to her parents about it.
Yet, she feels a bit worried of how her parents would act.

Y/n: "Hey Mom and Dad..."

Both: "Yes?"

Y/n: "There's something I need to talk to you two about."
Y/n: "And I need your opinion about it."

Her parents look at each other with confused looks before looking back at Y/n.

Mrs. Murasawa: "What's the matter, dear?"

Y/n: "..."
Y/n: "Well, Juro-san's grandma, Tamao-san left Juro-san all alone for three months to go see a relative."
Y/n: "He has been living alone for at least a day and a half already."

Mrs. Murasawa: "Oh no, that sounds horrible!"
Mrs. Murasawa: "Was it an emergency?"

Y/n: "I'm not sure, but I know if Tamao-san is going to be gone for a while, then he's going to live alone for a while."

Mr. Murasawa: "And what does that have to do with us?"

Y/n: "This is where I ask for your opinion, Dad."
Y/n: "..."
Y/n: "How..."
Y/n: "How would you feel if I moved out to live with Juro-san?"

Mr. Murasawa: "..."

Mrs. Murasawa: "..."

All: "..."
Everything and everyone stayed silent.
T/n almost spit out her tea, her mother looks at Y/n surprised, and her father does the exact same but blankly.

Y/n: "Mom, Dad, I want to hear your opinions."
Y/n: "But first, let me say my thoughts first."
Y/n: "I want to move in to help a friend in need."
Y/n: "Right now, he doesn't have anyone to take care of him."
Y/n:  "He may have the financials to help himself for three months, but he is very dependent on his grandma."
Y/n: "I personally want to help him."
Y/n: "He personally wants me to move in with him."
Y/n:  "Grandma Tamao even insisted Juro-san to let me move in with him for a while before she comes back."
Y/n: "Even if I can't right now, he's letting me take the time to consider it."
Y/n: "I know the two of you won't allow me to move out right now."
Y/n: "Regardless, I want your opinions anyways."

All: "..."


T/n:  'Sister... wants to move out to help Kurabe-kun?'
T/n thinks to herself surprised.

T/n:  'That's... surprising."
T/n:  'But what will Mom and Dad say about this?'

It was now awkward.
Everyone stayed silent to collect their thoughts about this situation.
After a few moments of silence, her mother finally spoke.

Mrs. Murasawa: "I have no problem with it, Y/n dear."
Mrs. Murasawa: "Father dear?"


Mr. Murasawa: "Y/n, at this age and time, you're already independent for yourself and free to do whatever you want."
Mr. Murasawa: "You've been great doing what you need to do while your mother and I have given you privileges."
Mr. Murasawa: "I know that you can be independent with everything inside and outside of home, that is a fact."
Mr. Murasawa: "With your cooking skills, independent skills, and doing your priorities like you're supposed to, you wouldn't have any problems when you decide to live with roommates or by yourself."

Mr. Murasawa says with a gentle smile.
Y/n stayed silent, smiled, and nodded to her father.
But his smile quickly dropped and looked at her stern yet gentle at the same time.

Mr. Murasawa: "Here's my issue."
Mr. Murasawa: "You have met Juro for a week already."
Mr. Murasawa: "I understand he's a good man unlike the some we've met from Kuku High."
Mr. Murasawa: "But I don't want you moving in with someone you have known from a short amount of time."
Mr. Murasawa: "Perhaps maybe if you exceed being his friend for a month, then I'll consider it."

Y/n: "Dad, Mom..."
Y/n smiles at her parents.

Mr. Murasawa: "I didn't say no, but you won't be moving in with him right now."
Mr. Murasawa: "I want to see where your friendship goes."
Mr. Murasawa: "And if you two are still good friends by then, I'll reconsider your offer."


Y/n: "I..."
Y/n: "I don't know what to say..."
Y/n: "I'm always grateful to you both, and always will."
Y/n: "Thank you, Mom."
Y/n: "Thank you, Dad."

Mrs. Murasawa: "Your welcome, dear."
Mrs. Murasawa: "Just like your father said, you are a very diligent child that we even ask you for help sometimes."
Mrs. Murasawa: "I know Juro-kun is a very good gentleman, but I also believe it's too early for you to move out with someone you just knew for a week."
Mrs. Murasawa: "Perhaps if you two met sooner, then I would have considered it as well."
Mrs. Murasawa: "Or if Tamao-san personally talked to us and gives you approval to move in with him, then I would consider it as well."
Mrs. Murasawa:  "But since there is no agreement between us and Tamao-san, we can't just let you go without setting out regulations between us."

Y/n:  "I understand."
Y/n:  "Regardless, I'm happy that I was able to talk to you two about this."
Y/n:  "In all honesty... I was scared, that a hard no would be the outcome of this."

Mr. Murasawa:  "Y/n, you are at the age to wonder about and figure out your life and your career path."
Mr. Murasawa:  "But there are considerations you have to take, even if they are the most recommended, the worst, or your only option or options, plural."
Mr. Murasawa:  "Sometimes opinions from others matter besides from yourself, that's why we learn to take precautions depending on how good or bad the circumstances."
Mr. Murasawa:  "In this case, which is a good circumstance, I want you have a good friendship with him for a while."
Mr. Murasawa:  "Then perhaps, I'll change my mind about letting you go."

Y/n:  "Thank you, Dad, Mom."
Y/n:  "I really appreciate it."

Mr. Murasawa:  "You're welcome, Y/n."

Mrs. Murasawa:  "You're welcome, Y/n dear."

For the rest of the day, the Murasawa family watches movies until it was time for them to go to sleep.
While their dad is starting a new week to work...
The twins will have a new day tomorrow, a new start of a new week for school.

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