11.6. Y/n's Perspective: Y/n's Room: "Y/n's Cloudy Thoughts" (♫)

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Y/n just came back from school.
She lied to the three when she said she was busy.
In fact, she definitely was not.

But she was feeling a bit stressed out.
She didn't feel like hanging out today.
She wanted to clear her thoughts about a few things.
And she wants to take the time now to do so.

One clear problem...
It's been a while since Y/n has talked to "him".
Ever since the day she went to get her history book she forgot one day, heard things that she wasn't suppose to hear, it made things harder for Y/n to act like herself towards...

Y/n:  "Juro-san."
Y/n:  "..."

Not only that Juro has been on her mind, she also had other thoughts as well.
How Yakushiji Megumi will do anything to separate Y/n and Juro apart because she harbors romantic feelings for Juro...
He's Izumi Juro instead of Kurabe Juro...
And how Y/n apparently is a different person than herself.

What was that name again?
Yes, it was this name that stuck to her like glue...

Y/n:  "(Y/n)..."
Y/n:  "(L/n)."

Why was this name so familiar to her?
What is it about this name makes Y/n feel so self-conscious?

(Y/n) (L/n)...
(Y/n) (L/n)...
(Y/n) (L/n)...
(Y/n) (L/n)...
(Y/n) (L/n).

For some reason, that name hits Y/n like a rock, yet she doesn't know why it harbors a heavy feeling when this name is put into her thoughts.
Her heart feels heavy; as if it sunk as deep as an anchor can go, never hitting the ground...
Just keep on sinking, with no dead end nearing to the anchor's end.

Y/n:  'Who is (Y/n)?'
Y/n:  'Why is it important to Yakushiji-san and Gouto-senpai?'
Y/n:  'And...'
Y/n:  'What does this name have to do with them and me?'

It's so deep that she doesn't know how much more weight she has to bear just for a name.
Shaking her head, she clears her thoughts.
Yet one thing, no, the thought of one specific person had came back to her...

Y/n: "Juro."

How was she going to approach him?
How was she going to talk to him?
Not after what she had witnessed, how was she going to act towards him now?
And what did they mean that Kurabe Juro is Izumi Juro?

Not only that, why does the name Izumi sound familiar?

Y/n:  "It's also the name Yakushiji-san knows all too well."
Y/n:  "Why?"
Y/n:  "Why does my chest hurt seeing her?"
Y/n:  "What made her like Juro-san?"
Y/n:  "What if... they were dating?"
Y/n's heart started pounding in a painful way, as if it was being stabbed a thousand times continuously.

Y/n:  "If they are..."
Y/n: "I should be happy for them, and yet..."
Y/n: 'Why does it hurt to feel happy for them?'
Y/n:  "..."
Y/n: "I should talk to him about that when we have the time."

One more issue was about that talk three weeks ago.
How does Yakushiji and Gouto know these things about her and Juro?

All of that stuff they were talking about...
Was it really just play's talk?
Or was it a real conversation?

And the most shocking part isn't even that...
It's the fact that how Y/n found out about Yakushiji and Juro in the worst way possible.

Y/n shakes her head, trying to forget about it.
Not even a moment later, the thought of it haunts her back as it replays in her mind once more.


With no options, she recalls exactly what happened at the staircase.

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