5.4. Friday After Hours: T/n & Natsuno's Time

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It was Friday After School Hours...
Everyone went their separate ways except for four people...
Y/n, T/n, Natsuno, and Juro.
They all were heading the same way since their homes are in the same direction.

Juro dismissed himself first since his house was first, then Natsuno, then the twins after.
But before Natsuno left to go inside, since they weren't able to hang out on yesterday due to track practice...
T/n and Natsuno promised each other that they would hang out this afternoon, so the twins went straight home and T/n got ready as quickly yet carefully as possible.

After picking out her lovely outfit for this afternoon: a white turtleneck, blue overalls, brown cardigan, black stockings, gold hoops and necklace, hair styled in a half up low ponytail clipped with a small back hairpin, and to top it off... some white Adidas.

T/n made it to the front door to put on her shoes.
Her mother in question goes up to the younger daughter.

Mrs. Murasawa: "T/n dear, where are you going?"

T/n: "I'm going to hang out with Natsuno."

Mrs. Murasawa: "Oh really now?"
Mrs. Murasawa: "Did you want to eat before you go?"
Mrs. Murasawa: "I already made food."

T/n: "It's a waste not to, I'll eat before I go."

T/n made her way to the kitchen and made herself a small plate.
A few minutes later, she steadily finished her plate, washed her dish and moved on to putting on her shoes.

T/n: "I might come home late, just to let you know, parents and sister."

Mr. Murasawa: "Just be careful out there."

Mrs. Murasawa: "Have fun, darling!"

Y/n: "Have fun, T/n-chan."

T/n: "I will, I'm leaving now." She says smiling.

T/n opens to leave and closes the front door, making her way to the front of Natsuno's house.

T/n: 'I just hope I wasn't late...'

Before T/n could even have dark thoughts about her lateness...
Natsuno: "Ah, T/n-chan!"

T/n: "Natsuno!"
T/n says, running up to her happily.

T/n: "Did I make you wait?"

Natsuno: "No, I just came out here as well."
Natsuno: "My mom made food so I ate before I left."

T/n: "Same for me well, I guess we ate and met at the same time."

Natsuno: "There's no way that's coincidence~!"

T/n: "Right?"

The two giggle with one another.

T/n: "Where do you want to go first?"

Natsuno: "Hmm, how about..."
Natsuno: "Downtown?"

T/n: "I actually haven't been there in a while."

Natsuno: "I was thinking maybe we can try and look at books there."

T/n: "Okay, let's go."

Before going to their designated place, the two got some drinks at a local cafe.
It didn't take them a while to get what they wanted before chatting away at a table for two.
They even got some snacks there and took it with them.

Fifteen minutes later...
The two made it there.
Since they were there within afternoon hours, the place seemed a bit clogged up now that majority of people have gone from school or work.

T/n: "What books are you looking for exactly?"

Natsuno: "Try taking a guess."

T/n: "Hmm..."
T/n: "More Sci-fi, I suppose?"

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