8.4. Juro's Perspective [The Next Day: Tuesday After School]

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[July 2, 2129]
[4:30 PM, Tuesday Morning]

Classes were over.
It was a normal routine for these students.
Same old teaching, same old learning.

What he liked about today was he was one of the six people to eat the massive lunch the twin made exclusively for everyone today.
A lunch made from Y/n once more, of course he wouldn't complain nor be mad about it.
In fact, he was very excited.
And boy, was he very happy to be there.
There would be sad expressions across their faces if one were to miss it, but luckily everyone in their group was there.
Let's just say there were tons of smiles and satisfaction from every person within their group to witness it all.

The twins wanted to walk home with their friends.
But unfortunately, Y/n and T/n had to leave first thing to greet relatives that were already over at their house and stay for a bit.

So the rest of them hanged around school for a bit before thinking about going on their way to do what they want to do.

Juro stood by his desk as Shiba told him to wait.
Moments after, he came back.

Shiba: "Bad news, Juro."
Shiba: "Amiguchi's gone missing again."
Shiba:  "Bet he's at the cafeteria."
Shiba:  "Get ready to head over."

Juro:  "Are you thinking of crashing his place again?"

Shiba:  "Why not?"
Shiba says as he walked past Juro to his desk and picked up his school bag.

Shiba:  "Ah...!"
Shiba:  "I almost forgot."
Shiba:  "I never finished reading this."

Juro:  "..."
Juro walks to Shiba's desk and looks out the window.
Juro:  'What a pretty sunset...'

Shiba:  "Okay, it's not the one you were looking for, but..."
Shiba:  "I found a little something else you've been wanting to see."
Shiba:  "You know, that hardcore foreign movie."

Juro:  "Don't make it sound so creepy."
Juro:  "It's just a sci-fi flick."

Shiba:  "I also taped the next episode of that drama series."
Shiba:  "The one where the alien runs away from earth."

Juro:  "Hmm..."
Juro:  "Is that the one where he teleports from the UFO to the bridge?"

Shiba:  "Oh, you've seen it already?"

Juro:  "I don't really remember watching it, but..."
Juro:  "I dunno."
Juro:  "Maybe I did."

Shiba goes back to reading his newspaper.

Shiba:  "While I was taping that show, I remembered something else."
Shiba:  "I totally forgot last week..."
Shiba:  "That they were airing UFO Wars on TV!"
Shiba:  "I can't believe I missed it."

Juro: "I actually taped UFO Wars myself."
Juro: "Want to borrow it?"

Shiba: "Oh, I'm in luck!"

Juro: "The quality's not that great though."
Juro: "I recorded it in EP mode."

Shiba: "Geez, get your hands on some better tapes."

Shiba says as he looks back onto his newspaper once more.

Juro: "Is that this week's issue?"

Shiba: "Yup."

Juro: "Last week was a real cliffhanger."
Juro: "I'm dying to know what happens."

Shiba: "Well then, allow me to explain..."
Shiba: "After all hell breaks loose, the main character just—"

Juro: "Stop right there."
Juro: "One more word and you're going on my shit list."

Shiba giggles and continues to read.
Juro walks back to his desk to pick up his bag.
His bag in hand, he takes notice of a familiar flyer sticking out a bit from his desk.

Juro: "Oh, I forgot I had a flyer in there."
Juro: "The one for the Deimos movie."

Juro walks back to Shiba.

Juro: "Hey, remember the original Deimos movie I mentioned?"
Juro: "Mighty Kaiju Deimos..."
Juro: "They're showing it at the theater right now."
Juro: "Want to go and see it?"

Shiba: "Isn't that the crappy old theater by Tsutsuji Station?"
Shiba: "I'd rather rent it on video."
Shiba: "Then we can watch it on Y/n-san's or Amiguchi's big TV."
Shiba: "Cheaper, too."
Shiba: "Anyways, let's go find him!"
Shiba: "Let's head to the cafeteria."
Shiba: "If we're too slow, we'll lose him."

The two walked out of their classroom and proceeded to the first floor, making their way to the cafeteria.
Moments pass and the two males made it.
There was a female by the vending machine, getting her drink.
But their target was nowhere to be seen.

Shiba: "Not here either, huh."
Shiba: "Well, crap."
Shiba: "So much for gaming today..."
Shiba: "Think the girls might know where he is?"
Shiba: "Maybe they've seen him somewhere."

The female by the vending machine turns around, revealing herself to be Natsuno.

Natsuno: "Oh, Juro-kun!"

Juro: "Hi, Minami-san."
Juro: "Um..."

Natsuno: "What's up?"

Juro: "Well, uh..."
Juro: "You know, about that guy..."
Juro: "I'm just wondering how long he's planning to stay over."

Natsuno: "Ah, right..."
Natsuno: "About that..."
Natsuno: "He's got a lot going on, you know?"
Natsuno: "If you could let him stay longer, I'd appreciate it."
Natsuno: "You're the best!"

Natsuno: "Oh, would you look at the time!"
Natsuno:  "I've gotta go."
Natsuno:  "Let's talk later, okay?"

Natsuno runs off, leaving Juro all alone to return to Shiba still standing by the corner of the cafeteria.

Shiba:  "Who's that chick?"

Juro:  "Minami-san, my neighbor."
Juro:  "My grandma is pretty close with her family."

Shiba:  "You're looking pretty close yourself."

Juro:  "What are you trying to imply?"
Juro:  "This is a serious issue at home."
Juro:  "I was supposed to have this free time to myself..."
Juro:  "Ugh, so much for that."

Juro:  'Ever since two days ago, that day...'
Juro:  'My life has been turned upside down.'


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