11.4. FLASHBACK: Sakura High School: Science Room (♫)

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Iori, Shiba, and Juro were assigned to clean up the science room last week.
The three made their way there while Gouto was already there.
They stand inside the science room, awaiting for further instructions from Gouto.

Gouto: "I've handed you the key."
Gouto: "Be sure not to misplace it."

Shiba: "Renya Gouto, second year..."
Shiba: "Popular with all the ladies."
Shiba: "What a snob."
Shiba whispers underneath his breath while behind the class.

Gouto: "When you're done cleaning, be sure to lock up."
Gouto: "Then return the key to Ms. Morimura."
Gouto: "Understood?"

Iori: "Understood."

Gouto: "Then if you'll excuse me..."

Iori: "Sorry for the trouble."

Gouto nods and takes his leave.

Iori; "Okay, there's not much left to do."
Iori: "Let's get this over with."
Iori: "I'll wash the equipment over there."
Iori: "Could you put the beakers back on the shelf?"

While Iori started washing the equipment by the lab sink, Shiba walks up to Juro and grumbles.

Shiba: "I'm hungry, man."
Shiba: "Cleaning duty sucks ass."
Shiba complains.

Juro: "Shiba-kun..."
Juro: "Stop complaining and get to work."
Juro mumbles to Shiba.

Iori turns off the sink and goes up to the two boys.
Iori: "Did you say something?"
Iori: "You were mumbling."
Iori: "Speak clearly, please."
She puts her hands on her hips with a deadpanned expression.

Juro: "Just..."
Juro: "It's Saturday."
Juro: "Kinda sucks to be doing cleaning duty."

Iori: "Rules are rules."
Iori: "Just deal with it, okay?"
Iori says, going back to the lab sink to wash the equipment.

Shiba: "Cleaning is just so boring."
Shiba says before hanging out in the back of the class once more.

Juro:  'What a lazy piece of work Shiba-kun is...'

Iori: "Isn't Gouto-senpai responsible?"
Iori: "No wonder why he's so popular."

Juro: "Yeah."
Juro: 'Gouto-senpai is so mature.'
Juro: 'It's hard to believe he's just a high-schooler like me.'
Juro:  'And then there's that thing over there...'
Juro shoots a deadpan look at Shiba, who was oblivious to it.

Juro picks up a beaker and goes to Iori.
Juro: "Where should I put this?"

Iori: "They go in the big cabinet by the classroom door."

Juro walks to the large cabinet and puts the beaker he holds away.
Juro: "Guess they go here."

Juro starts picking up every leftover beaker from each desk and starts putting them away in the big cabinet.
A few moments later, he finishes his task.
He looks around to make sure he didn't miss a single one.

Iori: "Are you done with the beakers?"

Juro: "I'm getting to it."
Juro: "I think I'm done..."
Juro: "Ah, nope."
Juro: "Just found one more over there."
Juro makes his way to the last beaker next to Iori and puts it away, now completely finished with his task.

Juro: "That's all of them."
Juro: "Now completely done."

While done with his task, Iori just finished washing the equipment and starts walking to the big cabinet.
She checked to make sure every beaker left out was put back where it belonged.
Seeing everything was all lined up, and put back, she turns back to Juro and smiles.

Iori: "Finished with the beakers?"
Iori: "All that's left is sweeping up."

Juro: "..."
Juro stares at Iori.

Iori: "What is it?"

Juro: "..."
Juro stares at Iori again.

Iori: "What's gotten into you?"
Iori: "Is there something on my face?"

Juro: "Er..."
Juro: "Sorry..."
Juro: "I was just thinking about the two women from my dream last night."
Juro: "I think it was Y/n-san and you, Fuyusaka-san."

Iori: "Y/n-chan?"
Iori: "Me?"
Iori: "In your dream?"

Juro: "You two were all dressed in black."
Juro: "Strong, commanding, and honestly, pretty attractive."

Iori: "..."
Iori: "You're... just talking about the dream, right?"
Iori: "What happened in it?"

Juro:  "It's kind of embarrassing to talk about..."
Juro:  "..."
Juro:  "The apocalypse was coming."
Juro:  "To prevent it, we had to go back in time..."
Juro:  "And blow up some sort of facility."
Juro:  "But that got us in some trouble."
Juro:  "Thanks to the bombing, the cops came after us."
Juro:  "It came down to a shootout, and the three of us got separated."
Juro:  'I can also tell her about 'that' too, right?'
Juro:  'The kiss scene with Y/n-san...?'
Juro:  'Why the hell am I so self-conscious when it comes to Y/n-san...?!'
Juro blushes with so many red shades plastered on his cheeks.

Iori:  "Oh..."
Iori:  "So Y/n-chan and I were criminals?"

Juro:  "Well..."
Juro:  "Kind of."
Juro:  "It was a just cause."

Iori:  "Uh-huh..."
Iori:  "Well, that sounds exciting."
Iori:  "I'm curious to hear how it ends."

Juro:  "Oh yeah?"
Juro:  "I can keep going."


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