7.1. Y/n's Perspective: Sunday Morning Time

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[July 1, 2129]
[9:30 AM, Sunday Morning]

The last day of the weekend until tomorrow renews to a new start of a new week.
The twins that were at their friends house came home at different times.
One at 7:50 AM since she was at Amiguchi's house, and the other at 8 AM.

It was now 9:30 AM.
Their parents weren't home right now as they went shopping for today's dinner together.
The two sat together in the kitchen at the dining table with their coffee cups in hand, studying together on their tests that was coming next week.

Y/n:  "Solve for x: 3(x-1) -24(x +5)=16."

T/n:  "I heard questions like these will be all over the math test, so we need to work on these very well."
T/n:  "There will be similar but harder equations like these as well."

Y/n:  "That's fine, with more practice the more easier the questions will be."

T/n:  "There will be slopes as well, but they're very easy like the rest."

Y/n:  "Hey T/n."

T/n:  "What?"

Y/n:  "This might sound crazy but..."
Y/n:  "We should make a study group on next Saturday."

T/n:  "That's not a bad idea, then we can help our friends out if they need any help."

Y/n:  "Right?"
Y/n:  "It's so weird though..."

T/n:  "What's weird?"

Y/n:  "That we're willing to help our friends out with anything now."

T/n:  "Oh, that."
T/n:  "I think it's not weird."
T/n:  "It's like we can be free with ourselves."
T/n:  "I like this freedom."
T/n:  "We didn't have any of this back then, so let's take advantage of it while we can."

Y/n:  "You're right, I don't feel as chained up as I was before."
Y/n:  "Our classmates here aren't demanding and unfriendly as Kuku High."

T/n:  "Exactly."
T/n:  "Ugh, thinking of Kuku High tires me and makes my head hurt."
T/n:  "Let's talk about something else instead."

Y/n:  "Like what?"

T/n:  "Like our classmates of course!"
T/n:  "What do you like about your good friend, Iori?"

Y/n:  "Iori-san?"
Y/n:  "She's very cute and sometimes dorky."
Y/n:  "I love how she makes me laugh sometimes."
Y/n:  "I'm so happy I'm friends with her."

T/n:  "Then, what about Miwako?"

Y/n:  "Miwako-san is so sweet, you can never put a frown upon your face when she's around."
Y/n:  "The two of them are very sweet and kind, I can never separate myself from them."

T/n:  "Same."

Y/n:  "What about you?"
Y/n:  "Like Minami-san, for example?"

T/n:  "Oh, Natsuno?"
T/n:  "The two of us stick to each other like glue now."
T/n:  "We found out the two of us like UFOs!"

Y/n:  "Another Ufologist."
Y/n:  "Hey, at least I'm happy that the two of you became friends because of your similarities."
Y/n:  "Hey, just wondering, but isn't Natsuno-san Minami-san's daughter?"

T/n:  "Yes!"
T/n:  "I was about to say that!"
T/n:  "She is Minami-san's eldest daughter with four younger brothers."

Y/n:  "Oh, so the two of you were able to become closer because of that."

T/n:  "Yeah, and did I tell you that she is next door neighbors with Kurabe-kun?"

Y/n:  "No, you didn't tell me!"
Y/n:  "Oh, so that's why the two of you came home sooner than I expected."

T/n:  "Yeah, it was amazing to know she lived very close."
T/n:  "That's why all four of us, me you, Kurabe-kun and Natsuno go to school together now."

Y/n:  "That explains it."
Y/n:  "That's good that the two of you became best of friends."

T/n:  "I would never replace my best friend with anyone."

Y/n:  "That's good."

T/n:  "How's being friends with Juro?"

Y/n:  "I-it's fine, what about you?"
Y/n:  "What about Amiguchi-san?"

T/n:  "It- it's all well..."

Y/n:  "You're blushing."

T/n:  "Can't say the same to you."

The two of them awkwardly stare at each other.

Y/n:  "We're hopeless."

T/n:  "Hopelessly in love?"

Y/n:  "I hope not."
Y/n:  "It's still too early for me to date."
Y/n:  "Maybe a year or so being friends and I won't mind dating."

T/n:  "Same, I'd rather settle in being good friends for a while before I date."

Y/n:  "Dating Amiguchi-san?"

T/n:  "N-no...!"
T/n:  "What about you with Juro-san, Y/n?!"

Y/n:  "N-not now...!"

Both "..."

Y/n:  "He looks like he has a crush on you, and the two of you are hanging out as friends for now, are you sure you don't want to think of him as a dating interest?"

T/n:  "..."
T/n:  "Later, maybe."
T/n:  "But, not now."
T/n:  "To be honest, something has been bothering me..."

Y/n:  "?"

T/n:  "I've been wondering about this for a good while..."
T/n:  "Ever since we've been having these weird dreams with our classmates, I feel as if we're all connected somehow."
T/n:  "I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling that everyone we have met and have yet to see are connected to something that we may never know what."

Y/n:  "..."
Y/n:  "Like how?"

T/n:  "For instance, even before meeting him, I keep seeing Amiguchi-kun in my dreams."
T/n:  "And now that I've met him, my weird dreams about robots and Amiguchi-kun greatly increases even more."
T/n:  "Like what if my dreams are telling me that Amiguchi-kun and I are connected in some way?"
T/n:  "But it might be me as well, perhaps I watch too much movies that I can't differentiate what's real or not."

Y/n:  "T/n..."
Y/n:  "..."

Y/n:  'You know, it has been the same for me as well.'
Y/n:  'Even before I met Juro-san, I would sometimes see him in my dreams.'
Y/n:  'Now meeting him, the number of dreams that include him has increased as well.'
Y/n:  'Even I question, if the two of us are connected somehow?'

T/n:  "Sis?"

Y/n:  "I'm sorry, just in a deep thought about something."
Y/n:  "Let's continue our study session."

T/n:  "Hm."
T/n hums as she moves back to the question she was working on.

For the rest of the morning, the two silently and peacefully continue their study session until afternoon came around.

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