3.1. A New Transfer Student! That Looks Like Y/n...?! (♫)

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[June 27, 2129]
[8:30 AM, Wednesday Morning]

Y/n: "Is everyone ready?"

All: "Yes we are!"

Y/n: "Okay then, bento acquired! Okay, bye parents!"

Mr. & Mrs. Murasawa: "We love you and take care!"

Y/n and T/n: "Yes parents! We love you too!"

The four high school girls head out of the Murasawa Residence and make their way to school.
While going there, the Murasawa twins walked next to each other, other students from the same school looked at them.
Until now, all of them didn't even know the beautiful transfer student, Y/n Murasawa had a twin until now.
There were so many amazed + questionable looks, even Juro and Amiguchi themselves, hence in front of the school gate were surprised themselves.

Y/n: "Good morning, Juro-san, Amiguchi-san."

Amiguchi: "Good morning."

Juro: "G-good morning...

Amiguchi: "Oh?"
Amiguchi:  "You..."
Amiguchi: 'It's her!'
Amiguchi:  'The Y/n doppelgänger with the red bow!'
Amiguchi:  'Man, she's... cute.'

Amiguchi already knew of this twin.
Just yesterday before he came home, he saw her walk home a different direction with a Kuku High school's uniform on.
And right now, he sees her in their school uniform.
Is she transferring here?
He'd never expected the doppelgänger to know Y/n at all.
In fact, this pops up these main questions in his head...
Just who is she?
And why is she making him feel this way?

T/n: "That guy... next to that dark brown individual..."

Juro: "W-who is this?"

Y/n: "I've never told you, huh?"
Y/n: "She's my younger twin sister who recently transferred from Kuku High School."
Y/n: "She's now going to enroll in our school as a transfer student, just like me."

Juro: "Y-your twin sister?!"

T/n: "I'm T/n, her younger twin."
T/n: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Juro: "Likewise, I'm Juro Kurabe."

Amiguchi: "Amiguchi Shu, pleasure to meet you."
Amiguchi: "She's real pretty in person, now that I see her..."

T/n: "Likewise, Juro-kun, Amiguchi-kun."
T/n: 'I'm not gonna lie he's...'
T/n: 'Cute.'

Y/n: "I'll be escorting her to the main office for more instructions on where her class would be, so I'll catch you all later."

Juro: "That's fine, I'll- I'll be waiting for you in class."

Y/n: "Y-yeah..."
Y/n blushes and takes her twin sister's hand and softly takes T/n with her.
Her twin sister notices this but decides to play dumb.
She's never seen her older sister act this way, all this to T/n, it was pretty amusing to watch.

T/n: "So, when were you so slick to get a boyfriend~?"

Y/n flinches.
Y/n: "T/n!"
Y/n blushingly gasps.

T/n: "Just kidding~ Just kidding~"
T/n:  "All jokes aside, I'm actually happy you made all these friends when you just got here."

Y/n: "I'm surprised too, I'd never expected to have good friends in such a short period."
Y/n:  "Back at our old school, no one really cared to talk."

T/n: "Right, our old school was pretty boring compared to Sakura High."
T/n:  "You know how surprised I was when I saw you bring two of your friends over?"

Y/n: "Ehehe..."

T/n: "I'm glad it's them."
T/n:  "They are really nice people."

Y/n: "Me too."
Y/n:  "After I drop you off, I'm going straight to class."
Y/n:  "Your homeroom teacher should be there along with the principal to guide you."

T/n: "Okay."


Meanwhile with the rest of the group still outside the front gate...

Iori: "Hello, Kurabe-kun, Amiguchi-kun."

Juro: "Good morning, Fuyusaka-san, Sawatari-san."

Amiguchi: "Good morning, Fuyusaka, Sawatari-san."

Miwako: "H-hello, Amiguchi-kun, Kurabe-kun...!"

Amiguchi: "Wow, can you believe it?"

Iori: "Believe what?"

Miwako: "That Y/n has a twin sister?"

Juro: "Yeah, I have never expected for Y/n to have a twin..."

Iori: "Me too, not until I saw her myself!"
Iori:  "They look completely the same~"

Miwako: "You can actually tell the difference between Y/n and T/n."
Miwako:  "Y/n doesn't have a mole while T/n has a mole right underneath her right eye."

Amiguchi: "Actually, yesterday while I was coming home, I saw T/n walking back from Kuku High School."

Juro: "You did?"

Amiguchi: "Yeah, so I'm not really surprised to see her, but I was surprised that she's Y/n's younger twin."
Amiguchi:  "I thought she was a look-alike."

Iori: "Well, from that situation, I could understand."

Juro: "Same."

Miwako: "Are we ready to get to class?"
Miwako:  "We- we have six minutes left."

Iori: "Then let's not idle around, I can't wait to see if T/n is in our class!"

Miwako: "Me too!"

The four continued their conversations with one another and headed straight to class.

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