Chapter 1

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I check my reflection in the mirror. We have a dress code here at Golden Ray. The ladies must have their hair tied up in a bun. They must have makeup on and need to use the restaurant's perfume for a long lasting fragrance. They also give us maid uniforms to wear everyday although mine has got to be the wrong size.

My dress is way too short, just underneath my bum and I can't bend down at all. Not to mention the way it rides up my thighs whenever I walk. I sigh. I want to quit this job so badly but this is the only one that works well for me.

It has just the right times and since it is a fancy restaurant, I get paid good. There's a bang on the door that nearly makes me jump out of my skin. "What you doin' in there so long? You have to serve the people." Booms the loud voice of my manager.

In the eyes of the public, he's a respectful, rich man, known for running the restaurant since he was eighteen but in my eyes, he's a disgusting old man that can't keep his hands to himself and I suspect he gave me this short dress on purpose. "I'll be there right now. Just making sure my makeup hasn't smudged." I call back.

I turn back to the mirror and roll my eyes before I run a hand over my head, making sure no hair is out of place. I then reapply a dark shade of lipstick before pulling my dress down and walking outside the clean bathroom. It's not too noisy in the restaurant.

Everyone is chatting softly among themselves while enjoying their small portions of food. There's a large sleek, black piano near the kitchen with a man sitting in front of it, playing a tune by Tchaikovsky.

I have to admit, this restaurant is very modern and beautiful although I've never tasted the food here before. There's just no way I could afford a whole meal.

There are light bulbs that shine in lanterns over every table and a gigantic chandelier in the middle. All the tables must have wine glasses put on them and you have to make a reservation in order to eat here. Each table is round and covered with a clean, white table cloth and wooden placemats on top of it. The chairs are big and comfortable and underneath the chandelier is a small space for couples to slow dance while they wait for their food.

I scan the room and see a new couple at table nine. I grab two menus from beside the kitchen and walk over to them, my lips curving up in a smile. "Welcome to Golden Ray. My name is Quinn and I'll be your waitress." The man is wearing a simple tux and he smiles at me as he takes the menu from my hand.

The woman sitting across him is wearing a beautiful light blue dress that sparkles underneath the light. She doesn't acknowledge me as she takes the menu and goes back to speaking to the man.

"I'll give you some time to choose your meal." I say any way before I make my way to the kitchen. As I make the short trek back, I get the feeling that someone's watching me. Thinking it's the woman, I turn back to their table but they're both looking down at the menu.

I look around the room and my gaze locks with a guy. This is by far the most attractive man I've seen in my whole life.

Okay, that's a lie but I've never seen such a hot guy in person before. He's Asian, sitting alone at a table.

He has shoulder length hair, either black or brown, I can't really tall. His features are sharp and defined and he has a jaw so sharp, I could cut butter with it. He's not wearing any fancy clothes like the rest of them. He's wearing a black tank top and boy is he muscular. I spot a few protruding veins on his arms and I can't help but stare at the way his muscles move as he picks up a mug.

At this point, I realise I've been staring for way too long so I turn back around and head inside the kitchen for a breather.


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