Chapter 18

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I hate to do it but I gather my bag and follow Corbin out of Golden Ray to his red truck. "Get in." He tells me, opening the driver's side. "Where are we going?" I ask. I don't want to get in the car with him. Who knows what he'll do. My hands are trembling so bad and I grip them. I don't want him to see how scared he makes me, even if my face gives it away.

"Get in." He says but I can't. I don't want to so I shake my head. He slams his hand on the dash of the car making me jump. "I said get in!" My cheeks heat up from embarrassment and I get into the passenger side. I lower my face so I don't have to make eye contact with anyone outside.

This is what he used to do. He used to embarrass me in public and shout at me till my ears were ringing. He used to gaslight me and he's a manipulator and I can't take the stress that he's causing right now.

I'll listen to what he has to say but then he has to leave me alone. I don't want to see him ever again. He starts the car and rock music blasts out of the radio.

This is what made me leave him. If I was seen by him or his friends, hanging out with another boy, he'd drag me home and scream at me for hours until my ears were ringing and my head was pounding. He gaslit me into thinking it was my fault that the boys spoke to me and that I should've been uglier so I wouldn't attract any male attention.

He's the reason I never had friends because if anyone dared to touch me, he'd either beat them to a pulp or try to beat me.

Bronwyn hates him for what he's done. She always called the cops on him whenever he was screaming at me but he somehow always persuaded the cops that I was fine and that nothing dangerous was going on. That got Bronwyn in trouble with the cops.

They thought she was prank calling them and I couldn't say anything cause I knew Corbin would punish me. The loud music has my head hurting already and I want to call Bronwyn so badly but what can she do?

He stops the car at the bar I went to with Lucky. "Get out." I open the door and get out the car, pulling my dress down. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the bar. It's dark and warm inside and it reeks of alcohol. To my surprise, I find Holt, Leo and Nevan sitting at the bar. Holt spots us first.

"Aye man." He greets Corbin and smirks at me. "Didn't think I'd see you here so soon." Corbin's grip on my arm tightens and I look down at the ground, avoiding their gaze. "Is she girl you've been talking about?" I hear Leo ask.

Corbin talks about me? What does he say? "Yeah. I managed to get her to come with me. Now we've got a little catching up to do. Later boys." He leads me to the back of the bar at a table where there's not anyone closeby. I sit across from him and I see him scowling at me. "Whore. I didn't know you knew them. Did you sleep with them too?"

I shake my head. "No. You know I'm not like that." I feel so out of place being the only female here. I can feel Holt, Leo and Nevan's eyes on me and I avert my gaze to the table. Corbin clicks his tongue. "I don't even know who you are anymore. Prancing around town with such a short dress. You're just begging all the guys to fuck you." I wince at his harsh words.

No. I can't do this. I can't let him speak to me like this again. "I've had enough of you. I'm giving you a chance to speak and then I'm leaving. And you can't stop me because I will call the police."

He bursts out laughing and I immediately feel embarrassed. Why is he laughing? Does he see how terrified I am? "The thing is princess, this isn't the last time you'll see me. Because, you're going to be my girlfriend."

What? Has he lost his mind?

"Don't look at me like that. Don't you remember how happy you were when I asked you the first time?"

"You're not even asking me. You're forcing me."

"Keep your voice down, or I swear, I will fuck you up." His words make me tremble and my heart hasn't stopped racing. "I'm not going to be your girlfriend. And you can't make me." He leans back in his seat. "Oh, but I can princess. Cause if you don't then I'm afraid the only time you'll ever see your mama again is in her coffin." My blood runs cold and I freeze.


"I've got tabs on her princess. I have men watching her every move and they won't hesitate to put a bullet in her brain if I just say the word."

I'm absolutely petrified. He can't do that. He just can't. I feel hopeless and terrified and I'm trembling all over in my seat. He has tabs on my mom? "Have you ever wondered why she hasn't phoned you yet?" He pulls his phone out and taps the screen before showing me a picture of my mom. She's blindfolded and has tape wrapped across her mouth. She's tied to a pole and sitting on a dirty floor. I gasp.

There's just no way. "The choice is yours though princess. You can either be my girlfriend or let your mama die." He shrugs and shoves his phone back in his pocket, leaning against his seat, watching me.

I have no choice at all. And I don't want to believe him but he showed me proof. He has my mom and I have to be his girlfriend or else he'll kill her. I feel tears prickling my eyes and my lower lip trembles. "I'll do it. I'll be your girlfriend."

"Aww, don't cry princess. This is a happy moment." He leans forward to touch my face but I lean back. I'm disgusted that he would go to such lengths to have me. I wish there was something I could do but my mom's all the way in Germany. And what will the police do? She might be dead before they even get to her.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Don't run away." He tells me before getting up. A few stray tears escape my eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

How did it come to this? Why can't I just have a normal life? I wish I was young again, when I didn't have to worry about anything except the monsters under my bed. I hear a whistle and turn to see Holt gesturing for me to go to him. I hesitate but get up and walk over to him. The bartender greets me and places a drink in front of Leo. "You alright pretty girl? You look super depressed." Says Holt.

"How do you know Corbin? What did he do?" Asks Leo and I'm suddenly so overwhelmed by them that my eyes fill with tears again. Holt steps back and nudges Nevan. "She's gonna cry. Do something." He whispers and I wipe my eyes. Nevan steps closer to me. "What's the matter princess? What did that fucker do?"

"Don't call me that." I mumble. I just want to get out of here and go to Bronwyn. I want to be in my bed and I want to cry. I want to let it all out.

"Now what are you doing all the way over here princess? Shouldn't you be sitting down at our table? If you're good, I'll treat you to a nice glass of water." Corbin comes up behind me and grabs my wrist, pulling me towards him that I stumble over my feet. Leo straightens and Holt steps forward. "Watch it. Don't grab her like that. Leave her alone." Holt says, his smirk vanishing and his eyelids dropping as he stands in front of me, staring at Corbin.

Corbin doesn't let go though and he chuckles, a deep sound emitting from the pit of his stomach.

"Chill out man." He says. Holt raises his fist and lands a punch right against Corbin's jaw. I duck and shut my eyes. I feel Corbin let go of my wrist. I feel another hand on my wrist and I open my eyes to see Leo pulling me out of the way before Holt continues to punch Corbin.

Corbin covers his head and loses his balance, falling onto the floor. Everyone in the bar is silent and I think this isn't the first time a fight has happened here. "Come." Leo says as he leads me outside, away from the chaos.

Outside everything is normal. Everyone is walking around us and minding their own business, having their own things on their mind. Meanwhile I'm in the deepest mess ever and I don't know how to escape it. I didn't even know I was crying until I feel Leo's hands wipe my face.

"It's alright. You're alright." He says softly as he rubs my back. "Let me take you home."

I'm so out of it that I don't care about him seeing where I live. I just want to get home and cry it all out. He leads me to a orange sports car and I get in the passenger side.

The car is new, I can tell by the new car smell and he switches the car on. He reaches back and pulls out a box of tissues before handing it to me. I take a tissue to wipe my face and I give him the directions to my apartment.

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