Chapter 8

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It's very quiet in the car when he starts it and backs out of the driveway. I can tell he's still agitated from that phone call and I can feel the tension rolling off him in waves. It fills the car and suffocates me to the point where I open the window just a pinch for some fresh air. I don't know him that well and I'm not even supposed to be nosy but I can't seem to keep my mouth shut either.

"You okay? That phone call has got you pretty worked up." I say as casually as I can when we stop at a stop sign. His fingers grip the steering wheel tightly. I don't even know when he had the chance to shower and change and I take a moment to admire his outfit.

He's wearing cargo pants and red all stars with a black sweater that has the word humble. printed on it in red and a plaid black and white shirt over it. He has a chain with a cross around his neck. He has impeccable fashion taste.

"My dad is an asshole." Is all he says, staring out the windscreen, jaw tight. "Wanna talk about it?" He stays silent for a few minutes and I'm not sure whether he heard me or if he's ignoring me. Just as I turn to the face the window he talks. "My dad owns the biggest international real estate company in Japan. He has buildings all over the word in his name. You must've heard of Stone Cold Real Estate?"

"I think I have." I answer even though I haven't. "He's the CEO of the company. Been the CEO since he was eighteen. As his only son, he wants me to follow in his footsteps and move to Japan to take over the business. He's fucking nuts. No way will I ever do that." I notice the way his eyes flare as he speaks about his dad.

"What's the problem with that though? Wouldn't it be a good job?"

"It's not what I want. I want to be a bartender. That's my dream. It might seem like shit to a normal person but I have my reasons. He just won't understand that though. He thinks he can control my fucking life and I'm tired of it."

I like that Ji's dream is to become a bartender. It's unique and I think he should pursue it. His dad can't control his life and shouldn't. "Is your dad in Japan?"

"Yeah. He's got a flight booked for me already and wants me there on Sunday." My eyes widen. This Sunday? What about my mom and I? Where will we go? He can't go for my sake but I can't say that. We're just friends and this is his business. "Why don't you just tell your dad no?"

He chuckles but not in a playful way. "It's not as easy as you think."

I have no idea why I'm feeling panicked. I would've been better off if I didn't ask him at all. "What are you gonna do? I mean, if you're going to go to Japan this Sunday then-"

"Don't worry about it. It's my problem not yours. You should go." I notice that we've stopped in front of Golden Ray. "Oh. Yeah sorry for intruding." I hastily open the door and get out. "I'll pick you up after work." He says before I close the door and he drives off.

I stare as the car zooms off before I walk into the restaurant. Lucky is the first one I see and she's putting cutlery on each table. "You're here early." She says without looking up. The first thing I notice is her hairstyle. It's not in its usual bun. Her long blonde hair is in two pigtails tied with black ribbons. "Wow. Your hair looks so nice. Won't Mister Grim be pissed though?" I ask as I walk toward her. She smirks at me while placing the last fork in her hand.

"He can't do shit. My boyfriend made that very clear to him." Wow. Her boyfriend must scare Mister Grim. "Your boyfriend?" She takes my hand and leads me to the back room where a few other waiters and waitresses are on their phones, waiting for the shift to start.

We lean against the wall and she smiles. "My boyfriend who I've been dating since today, dropped me off here this morning. He went to Mister Grim and threatened him. Told him that if he ever tells me what to do again, he'll break his teeth." My eyes widen. "I'm not even joking girl."

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