Chapter 25

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I'm in the guest room. I've just unpacked the last of my mom's suitcase and Buck unpacked his half. My mom and Ji are in the doorway, she's holding Lumi and he's asking her if she wants a drink.

Buck and I finish at the same time and when he gets up, he holds his hand out and I take it as he gently pulls me up. "Thanks."

"You know, I'm real sorry bout how I took ya mom on a cruise. I wanted to spend time with her and told her to leave our phones off for the whole of the cruise. If I could go back in time and erase my mistake, I would."

I shake my head. "It's fine, really. She needed that." We walk over to my mom. "I fixed us all a drink. We could really use it."

"I'll help him." Mutters Buck as he walks past us. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Yeah. Me too." My eyes are on Lumi who's staring at us with her fingers in her mouth. "Ugh. I've had so much baby fever you won't believe it. I've been seeing babies everywhere, it's insane."

"Maybe it's a sign." I mumble. "Oh please. I'm too old for that."

"So are things getting serious between you two?" She sighs. "We just met but he took a flight to Germany to see me. He took me on a cruise making sure I don't spend a cent. We've poured out our souls to each other and I feel something whenever I'm with him. Something I've never experienced before. I think things are getting pretty serious between us."

She smiles and glances at me. "What about you and Ji?"

I shrug. "He saved me from Corbin. And he told me he's falling for me. Sometimes when we're together, we have these moments and then it feels like we're connected to each other. We can feel each other's emotions almost." She gasps. "Could they be our soulmates?"

"I don't know."

We go downstairs and Ji puts Lumi to bed. Two expensive wine bottles are on the living room table and we all take a seat, sipping on wine and talking to each other.

My phone rings and I get up and walk to the staircase to get away from their laughter. It's Lucky and I answer the call. "Hey girl. Wanted to know if you're okay. This is probably a weird hour to call but I'm up with my brother and I'm bored." She chuckles and I smile. "You caught me at a good moment. I'm doing fine really. No complaints here." It was true. The wine had definitely made me numb and immune to stress.

As well as knowing that my mom was fine. "Tobias, Holt and Leo kicked me out of cleaning your apartment so do you wanna go out with Bronwyn and I tomorrow? A girl's day?"

"We didn't kick you out." I hear Tobias say faintly through the line. "Yes you did." Lucky hisses. "I'll go. Sounds like fun."

"Great! I'll pick you up at 10AM. Sleep well okay. You're safe with Ji." My smile widens. "I know."


A car hoots outside and I stand up from the couch. "That must be them." I say. "Have fun." My mom tells me as she feeds Lumi. Ji and Buck are watching a sports channel on TV and Ji gets up to walk me to the door. He opens it and before I can leave, he grabs my hand. "Be safe and have fun okay? By the way, there's a party tonight that Nevan is hosting. I'm going, would you like to come with?"

"Yeah sure." I answer. He smiles. "Alright." My hand slips through his and I walk to the purple car. I get in the back and greet Bronwyn and Lucky. "You look gorgeous, Quinn." Compliments Lucky. "Your mom's clothes?" Asks Bronwyn. "Yeah."

I'm wearing a white floral dress that stops at my ankles. It has a slit in it that runs till my mid thigh and I have on silver sandals. My mom didn't have her nail polish with her so I couldn't paint my nails.

We arrive at a posh café and a menu board is right next to the entrance. My eyes widen at the prices. They're expensive and just for one cup of coffee. "Don't worry bout the price. I have my boyfriend's credit card." Says Lucky after she locks the car. She looks adorable wearing a lilac miniskirt and a tanktop exposing her belly button. She has a white fluffy cardigan over which reaches the same length of her miniskirt. She has on clear stockings and pink and white leg warmers with sneakers.

Bronwyn is wearing baggy jeans with rips and a black crop top with an oversized white shirt over. "Is it okay though? Won't he get mad or something?"

Bronwyn chuckles. "As if." She slings her arm around my shoulders. "Let's go in."

We sit at a table right next to the huge glass window. "This place is fancy as fuck." Mutters Bronwyn, once the waiter has given us our menus. "Almost like Golden Ray. Although I'd never eat there. I'm pretty sure they spit in the food." Says Lucky. "Can't be." I say. She giggles. "Haven't you heard the rumors girl? I'm actually hungry, would you two like something to eat?"

"I could eat." Answers Bronwyn and I nod. We order latte's and a simple egg and bacon breakfast.

"Why didn't you tell me Ji slept over?" Bronwyn asks as she takes a sip of her latte. "I bet they're dating and kept it on the low." Says Lucky. I scoff at them. "We're not dating. He just wanted to make sure I was safe." I answer. "They totally slept on the same bed too." Says Lucky.

"Actually, he slept on the couch." They both gasp. "You didn't." Says Bronwyn, faking a shocked look. I roll my eyes. "You know how small my bed is."

"And? You could've slept on top of him." Says Lucky. The thought of Ji holding me flush against his body while I lay on top of him makes me blush and they're quick to notice.

"Oh." Lucky smirks at me. "Looks like someone would've loved that idea. Bronwyn, I still need to tell you about the little moment they had in the bathroom."

Bronwyn nudges me and laughs. "Do tell." I cover my face with my hair. "You guys are the worst. He's just a friend."

Lucky opens a packet of sugar and pours it into her drink. "Just friends? Sure, sure."

"But be honest right now. No bullshit. Would you date him if you got the chance?" Bronwyn asks me.

To be honest, I've thought about it multiple times even though I've only known him for a short while. Of course I'd like to date him. Who wouldn't? He's the hottest guy I've laid eyes on. I fantasized once of the two of us going on a romantic date together, sharing kisses.

"Look how red she's turned." Comments Lucky and I sigh. "Yes. I would date him if I got the chance. He's a really nice guy and he just makes me feel things I've never felt before. I feel so safe around him. It's totally different feelings than the ones I felt when I was with Corbin and that's what scares me because at the same time, I don't know Ji's intentions. He could be leading me on to sleep with me and toss me aside."

I hate the thought of being just another girl to Ji. I want to feel special and I want to feel loved and I'm certain he'd be able to make me feel that way but what if it's all an act?

Bronwyn rubs my arm. "Not all guy will have bad intentions. I thought the same about Tobias and look at us now. Ji even gets along well with your mom, I'd doubt he'd fuck you and toss you to the side. So many people would beat his ass, including me."

"I know I told you not to get involved with him cause he's dangerous but I don't think he'd ever let you get hurt and he would never hurt you. I realized that when fuckng Ji got down on his knees in front of you to make sure you were okay." Bronwyn nods. "He's different around you. And that's a good thing. You two should hang out more, maybe you will end up dating him."

"Like, even if you two stay up late to watch a movie together. It's bonding time you know?" Lucky tells me and I nod.

"Maybe you can do that tonight. I'm sure your mom won't mind." Suggests Bronwyn. "It's a good idea but he asked me if I want to go with him to a party tonight." Lucky's eyes light up. "Oh yes! Nevan's party. We gotta go shopping for an outfit."

"Count me in." Says Bronwyn, finishing the last of her latte.

"Are you sure?"

Lucky chuckles. "Would you relax? My boyfriend is rich. He won't mind, I swear."

"Yeah girl. This should be exciting for you." Says Bronwyn as she takes a sip of my latte. "Okay. I'll stop worrying. As long as I don't pay, I'll be fine."

They smile. "That's the spirit. Now finish up so we can get this show on the road." Says Lucky.

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