Chapter 22

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Corbin has a malicious grin spread across his face. His one eye is swollen, it's barely open and it's purple. His left cheek has a fresh scab across it and his bottom lip is torn open. He looks like a monster.

He pushes me inside with such force that I tumble back and fall on the floor as he walks in and closes the door behind him before locking it. I scramble to my feet. "Leave. Before I call the police." I never expected his face to look so beaten up. Holt did a good job. I remember my phone in the room and I wonder if I'll be able to make it in time to grab it and call someone.

I'm trembling all over. My eyes dart around as he stares at me, fists clenched. He brings his hand up and points to his face and I flinch slightly. "You. You did this to me!"

I close my eyes as I hear his voice rise. The familiarity of it makes me want to cry. I don't want to be in this spot again.

I hear a loud crash, the sound of porcelain shattering. I feel a sting on my legs and I open my eyes to see my cup of coffee laying broken on the tile. The coffee has splashed a bit on my legs. "You're pathetic! I'm gonna kill you, I swear!" He pulls the kettle and throws it on the ground. My eyes sting with tears.

I realise what he's doing as the glass shatters against the floor and goes sliding. He yanks the fridge door open, pulling out the new loaf of bread that I bought just yesterday, before throwing it on the ground and stomping on it multiple times.

I can't help the tears that spill out my eyes like an overflowing water bottle as it runs down my cheeks. I'm shaking all over now and his shouts sound muffled in my ears as one by one he picks out every item in my fridge and throws them on the floor. I lose my balance and fall down slowly as I watch the horrendous scene unfold right in front of me.

He doesn't close the fridge when he's done, careful not to slip in any yolk, before he opens each cupboard and throws all the porcelain items on the floor.

There's noise. So much noise and it's the only thing I hear that isn't muffled. I don't hear his hard stomps on the floor, or the thin walls of the apartment shaking.

"Please don't. Stop. Please..." My voice comes out in a whisper. I'm too drained to shout or do anything. I sit there in a helpless heap on the floor. He opens the third cupboard, then looks at me. "You're a useless bitch. I hope you die! I hope your mother dies!" He throws all the glass dishes on the floor and I can't help it anymore. I bring my knees to my chin, wrapping my arms around them. I let out a big sob and cry.

My heart hurts as I sob into my knees, not caring about how much noise I make. I cry about the situation I'm in. How could I let this all happen again? Why did I let this all happen again? What did I do wrong? I cry about my mom and how she must be feeling right now.

Even though she's held hostage, I want them to treat her good. I don't want her to be held at the brink of death. My head is pounding, the blood hitting against my skull.

There's three repetitive knocks from somewhere. "Die! You should go to hell!"

"Quinn!" My hearts stop for a millisecond. "Ji." It's not a question asking if I'm sure he's here. It's a statement because I know he's here. And he's going to save me. The knocking resorts to banging. "Quinn! Please be okay!" The banging gets louder and I know he's throwing himself against the door. "Corbin! I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you motherfucker!" Within seconds the door snaps off its hinges and I look up to see Ji at the entrance.

His jaw is clenched and his eyes have gone darker. Way darker. He walks through the doorway as Corbin stares at him, looking stunned. Ji reaches him within two steps and punches Corbin swiftly through the jaw.

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