Chapter 44

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It's raining cats and dogs and the windshield wipers are hard at work. My heart rate is slowly but surely increasing as we keep driving. I don't recognize where we are. The buildings are unfamiliar and pass by in a blur. This hoodie won't keep me warm or dry but I need to get to Koda. I need to make sure that he'll be okay.

I'm feeling anxious at what Buck said too. I try not to imagine myself finding Koda and jumping out the truck only to be met by my demise. I continuously fiddle with my thumbs. The truck seems to be slowing down and I'm on the lookout.

My eyes dart everywhere they can, trying to see him. If he's dead then what will happen to Lumi? As angry as I am, I'm also terrified. I just want him to be okay. My breathing is beginning to get heavy; no matter where I look I just can't find him. "There's a trail of blood." Buck's voice brings me out of my thoughts and my heart drops to my stomach. He stops the truck and grabs his gun before we get out.

"Stay behind me." He says softly and I comply even though I want to run ahead and find Koda. There really is a trail of blood that's starting to get washed away from the rain. Buck's head moves everywhere as if scouting the area for any other people that shouldn't be here.

"There he is." My eyes land on Koda. It seems he's dragged himself against a wall. He has his hand against the left side of his stomach, and all I see is red. His eyes are closed and his chest is heaving up and down. Buck moves forward and so do I.

For a second, I don't know what to do. It looks like he's barely hanging on and it's scary to see him like this; his skin paler than usual. "Koda." I say softly and his eyes shoot open. I drop down on my knees next to him, the rain soaking through our clothes. He glances at me and his lips slowly curve up into a smirk. "The hell are... you doing here...?" He questions and my eyes burn as tears form.

"Lucky told me you got shot. Oh, Koda..." The tears slip down my cheeks and he chuckles before wincing in pain. "An ambulance is on its way. Just hang in there." Buck says and I reach for Koda's free hand, feeling his cold skin against mine. "Where's Lumi?" He questions, his voice husky. He tries to squeeze my hand. He's too weak to but I squeeze his gently. "With Lucky. She's alright." I assure him.

"You should go back to her." He coughs, spurting up blood and my heart pounds in my ears. "She's comfortable with you." He finishes. Buck leans down to push his gun into his boot before he takes off his shirt and rips a big piece off. "What are you doing?" My eyes roam over his torso covered with a few scars and he gets down on his knees beside Koda. "Putting pressure on his wound. This'll hurt a bit, son." He murmurs before he wraps his shirt tightly around Koda's torso and wound. Koda winces in pain and I keep his hand in mine.

"Shit... I don't think... I'll make it..." I shake my head furiously as a river of tears fall down my cheeks. "No, you'll make it." I assure him, my voice breaking. "It's... cold..." I hear the distant wail of a siren but it does little to ease my nerves.

"Just hang on." Buck says and Koda's eyes flutter close. "Koda?" I call out and he sighs softly. "I'm just... resting." The sirens sound louder and louder as the ambulance reaches us, the tires screeching across the gravel. "Quinn...?"

"Hmm?" I keep my eyes peeled on him, wanting nothing more than to pull him close and keep him in my embrace. Two men jump out of the ambulance and go to the back to get a stretcher. "I love you." I hear more sirens and soon a police car pulls up. "I love you too." I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper before I burst into tears and Buck pulls me away from Koda so the paramedics can lift him up onto the stretcher.


The waiting room feels ice cold and smells like disinfectant. The tv sitting in the corner plays a film on mute and my eyes stare at the characters as I shiver. Buck's been handed a new shirt and a nurse gave me a towel but I'm still freezing in my soaking wet clothes. Koda has been in theatre and the doctors are working on taking the bullet out and patching him up.

The policeman - which is Skylar's husband - sits a few seats away from us, ready to question Koda as soon as he can. There's a bustle outside the waiting room before Tobias and Bronwyn enter. Bronwyn immediately comes to me and wraps me in a hug and I feel just a bit warmer. "What are you doing here? What about your vacation?" I ask her, my face buried in the crook of her neck.

She smells like sunshine and coconuts and I feel bad that she came back. "Lucky told us what happened and I didn't want Tobias to leave me alone. Plus, I know what Ji means to you and you need comfort." I hug her tighter, relishing in her warmth before we pull apart. "How is he? What did the doctor say?" Tobias bombards me with questions and I can see the worry lines etched onto his face.

"He's in theatre right now. The doctor's are working on taking the bullet out." He gives me a hug too before he takes a seat across from me. Buck moves up so that Bronwyn can sit next to me and she holds my hand. "He and Tobias are like brothers."

"I know."


I turn to look at her and see how hesitant she looks, deciding on whether to say what she wants or not. "What?" There's a long pause and I think she's not going to say anything before she speaks. "So you know now. About Ji and Rattlesnake Raid." A lump jumps into my throat and I turn to her. "You knew?" My voice is shaky and barely above a whisper. She squeezes my hand gently. "I'll explain everything I know from start to finish and then you'll understand too."

My brows furrow. "Understand what?" I unintentionally snap. I don't mean to but I didn't expect Bronwyn to be in on it too. "Why we keep it a secret."

Before I can say anything, Leo and Holt barge into the waiting room and they both look terrible. Holt has a bloody nose and a few small cuts on his bottom lip. There's some blood drops on his sweater. Leo has a black eye and there's a bruise on his arm. "What the hell?" I ask, my eyes widening as I take in their state. "Where is he?" Holt asks. "Is he okay?" Leo questions and I notice the policeman looking down.

Tobias explains the situation and I turn to Bronwyn. "Why the hell do they look all beat up?"

"There was a gang fight. Them and a few of the Rattlesnake Raid gang members got beat up and couldn't get to Ji in time. This whole thing was a plan to kill him." My heart drops in my stomach and I feel nauseous. "Quinnie, are you alright?" Holt asks, leaning down to look me in the eyes and the metallic stench of blood makes it even worse. "I'm fine."

There's a knock on the waiting room door and a doctor in a long white coat and latex gloves stands there. "The operation has been successful. We successfully managed to remove the bullet and tend to his wound. He's still asleep from the anesthesia so he won't be responsive at the moment. We only allow 1 visitor at a time and visiting hours end in a few minutes. You'll be able to see him tomorrow but just make it quick for tonight."

"Thank you, doctor." Buck says and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. Koda's alive and he's okay.

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