Chapter 19

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The people on the radio are talking and joking around as Leo drives me home. It's silent and I grab another tissue and blow my nose. He pulls onto my street and stops in front of my apartment building. "You live here? This place is a dump." He comments and I feel even worse than before.

My whole life is embarrassing and humiliating. "Shit. I didn't mean it like that." He reaches over but I open the door and get out. "Thanks." I mumble before I walk into the building and in the elevator. I push the button for the doors to close and I lean back against the elevator wall, letting the tears stream down my face.

The one person that I care for the most, is in trouble and there's not a thing I can do to help. I feel useless. The elevator doors open and I step out before walking to my apartment door.

Bronwyn is in the kitchen making noodles and she spots my crying face. She immediately drops what she's holding before grabbing me and pulling me in for a hug. "Quinn! What happened? Are you alright?!"

I lean my forehead against her shoulder and cry, letting my tears soak her shirt. She has her arms wrapped around my body and she manages to lead us to my room before placing me on my bed. The bed is too small to fit us both but she lays down anyway next to me, rubbing my shoulder.

"What's wrong baby? Who hurt you?" She asks gently and I wipe my tears. "Corbin forced me to date him. He said he'd kill my mom if I don't. He has her tied up in Germany, Bronwyn. I don't know what to do!" I feel her body stiffen.

"Fucking hell Quinn. We should go to the police!" I shake my head, my sobs muffled by her chest. "I can't. They won't be able to do anything."

"You don't know that."

"I just know she's in Germany. I don't know where Corbin is keeping her. I have to be with him or else."

"Fuck!" She curses. We lay like that for a while even though it's very uncomfortable. My tears have stopped and I'm breathing heavily now. Bronwyn has her hand on my head and she's rubbing it. I close my eyes as I feel a wave of drowsiness wash over me.


"So? What did Ji say?" I hear Bronwyn's voice as I'm pulled out of my sleep. "Fucking hell. What about Kofi? You guys have to do something." I open my eyes and find her a few feet away from my bed on her phone. "Bronwyn?"

"Call you back." She ends her call and throws her phone on my bed. "Hey girl. How you feeling?" She sits down next to me. "I don't even know." I answer. I don't know how to feel. I really wished it was all a bad dream but now that I'm awake and the memories are flooding back, I know it's not a dream. It's my stupid reality.

I wonder what happened to Corbin. Holt didn't kill him right? Did Nevan stop him or did Holt just continue punching him. It brings me a satisfying feeling to know that Corbin got punched but I'm still scared.

What will he do to me now?

"Who were you on the phone with?" I question. "Tobias. I was asking him if he found me a job yet. Do you want coffee? Are you hungry?"

I shake my head. "I'll just have coffee."

"You sure? You need to eat Quinn. I made noodles, I can heat it up in the microwave." I don't have an appetite but she's right. I need to eat something. "Okay, I'll have noodles too." She walks out the room and a few minutes later, I hear the microwave.

I spot my phone on my desk table and I unlock it, checking for any messages. I only have two from Lucky.

L: I was running late but I didn't see u @ wrk. Everything okay?
L: Are you okay?? I heard there was a fight. Msg me babes

I decide to call her. She picks up after a few rings. "Quinn, you alright?"

"I guess so. How'd you know about the fight?"

"Nevan told me. Plus I saw Holt walking around looking extra smug. Heard he beat that guy up real good. Why were you there?" Bronwyn comes in with a steaming bowl of noodles and places it on the table beside me. "I'll bring your coffee in a few." I nod.

I hear movement on Lucky's side. "Holt is here. He wants to talk to you. Can I put you on speaker?"

"I guess."

"Yo Quinn. I beat Corbin up real good for you. You shoulda seen his face. All bloody and shit." Holt says before he chuckles. "Don't tell her that." I hear Lucky say.

"So you're Corbin's ex girlfriend? I never thought someone like you would date a piece of shit like him." Nevan says. "Tell us the story Quinn babe. I wanna hear your side." Says Lucky.

I take a deep breath. The only one that knows about Corbin and I is Bronwyn. Not even my mom knew how bad he treated me. "Last year when I was in college, I met him. He was really nice back then. He always brought me flowers and spent time at my dorm with me. Eventually he asked me out and we were going good for a week until I got to know the real him. My roommates boyfriend was over one night and he came onto me. Corbin caught him feeling me up and he beat the guy up in front of me. Nearly killing him. He looked at me and told me that's what would happen if any guy spoke to me."

"I was scared. I didn't want anyone to end up like that. Corbin got expelled but we still stayed together. After that, whenever any boy would look at me, he'd drag me to his house and scream at me for hours till my head pounded. He told me I needed to make myself uglier so guys wouldn't look at me. He'd force me to eat tons of junk food and gain weight so I'd look ugly in guys eyes. I kept threatening to leave him but he'd always say he'd beat up my roommate if I did."

"I finally broke up with him when I finished college. I didn't think I'd see him again." I feel the tears welling in my eyes yet again. Bronwyn places a cup of coffee next to my noodles that I still haven't touched.

"He has my mom held hostage and he forced me to be his girlfriend. I had to say yes or else he will kill her." Lucky gasps. "He has your mom hostage?"

"That fucking shithead. He deserves another fucking beating." I hear Nevan say. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Quinn. And I'm sorry for what he's doing now. You don't deserve it." Lucky says softly. "I feel so hopeless, you know? There's literally nothing I can do. I'm stuck in this situation and I don't know what to do about my mom." I sigh.

"We'll make sure he doesn't come near you Quinn. I'll have Leo stay watch outside your apartment in case he's thinking of going there." Holt says. "But will it help? If he can't get to me, he might kill my mom."

"Don't worry about that. For now, focus on yourself. We've got you covered. Lucky will give you my number and you call me if you literally sense him near you, alright?" He says. The tears spill onto my cheeks and I clutch my blanket in my hands, trying not to sob.

"Alright. Thank you." My voice is barely audible and I bite my lip. "Don't cry over him babe. You'll get through this, I promise you." I can't help but let out a little sob. I hardly know him, yet he's been nothing but kind to me. He doesn't have to beat Corbin up, he doesn't have to make Leo stand watch outside my apartment but he's doing it anyway.

"You're off speaker. Let it out babe." Lucky says as I find myself crying yet again.


A/n: Holt is literally so sweet in this chapter 😭

Who do you guys think Lucky's boyfriend is?

And what do you think Bronwyn was really talking about on the phone?

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