Chapter 37

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I watch as Koda is holding Lumi and placing soft kisses on her cheeks. Everytime he looks at her, her lips pull into a smile and I can't help but admire the scene. He's a great dad to Lumi and he's doing the best he can, but Linds also deserves to spend time with her too.

Last night he phoned Kofi and they went off to compile new papers while I fed Lumi and put her to sleep. I thought he'd be mad at me and chase me out but when he came back he hugged me and we slept together.

He turns to me and smiles before he goes back to looking at Lumi. The doorbell rings and I get up to open the door while Koda puts Lumi in her car seat.

Linds is at the door and her gaze hardens when she sees me. I sidestep and let her in. She strides in, her long white coat flowing behind her. "You bring her back on Monday, okay?" Koda says as he holds the car seat in his hand. Linds nods. "Yeah." He hands Lumi to her and she pauses to look at the baby. "Thanks. I was sure I wasn't going to see her ever again." She says as she looks at Koda, her gaze staying hard.

He shakes his head. "It's not me you should be thanking." He gestures to me. "She changed my mind." He adds softly and they both turn to look at me. Linds has a look of shock on her face which lasts for a second before her gaze softens. "Really?"

I nod. "Even if you two aren't together, Lumi will certainly appreciate having you both around as she grows up."

Linds steps toward me. "I'm so sorry for saying shitty things to you. I-" I place my hand on her arm. "It's alright. No hard feelings." She smiles and turns around quickly. "Well, I better get going. See you on Monday then." Koda nods. "See you." He says as Linds walks out.

Koda turns to me. "Wow."


"I'm in shock. I've never in my life seen Linds so nice to someone. She barely even speaks like that to Lauren." Now I'm in shock too. "Really?"

He nods. "Yeah." He steps toward me and I'm frozen in place, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Thanks a lot Quinn." I shrug even though I feel butterflies in my stomach at how close he is. "Oh, it was nothing really."

He smiles and leans in to place his lips on mine. I'm surprised at how frequently he's been kissing me but I'm definitely not complaining. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer but his phone rings and it interrupts us.

"Sorry. I gotta take this." I nod and wait until he's done on the phone. "I gotta go sort some shit out. You'll be okay here?" I nod slowly. "There's a spare key under the mat. You can keep that one and go out while I'm gone."


"Yeah. I can't keep you locked up in here the whole time. Just call me alright? If anything happens." I nod. "Of course." He takes his wallet out and pulls out a large amount of cash before handing it to me. "What's this for?"

"If you wanna go out." I shake my head. "I can't."

"Please Quinn. You've helped me so much. I love that you're selfless but I seriously don't mind spending cash on you. I want you to enjoy yourself." He looks at me with a soft gaze and I can't help but give in and take the money. "Alright."

He smiles. "Atta girl." He leans in and plants a kiss on my forehead before gathering his keys. "See you later."

I stare at the money after he leaves. This really is a lot of cash. I know some people would kill to have this and just by looking at it, I can tell it's enough to pay my rent. I don't want it to feel like I'm using him for his money but he's right. I should enjoy myself. Plus I haven't been at work yet so there's no way I'll be getting any money.

My phone suddenly rings and I answer. "Hey."

"Hey love. What you up to?" Bronwyn asks. "Not much. Koda just left to do something."

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