Chapter 21

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We finish the ice cream. He gives me the cone to eat and he offers to get us separate ice cream cones to enjoy. I sit and let the wind blow through my hair as I stare at the blue ocean. When I was younger, I used to believe in mermaids and I was certain they would be there, waiting for me everytime I went to the beach.

He returns with a blueberry flavored ice cream for me and a bubblegum flavored ice cream for him. "So, what's up?" He asks as soon as he sits down.


"Lucky told me you're going through a rough time. What's all that about?" I stay silent. I've tried using this time to forget about what happened but I guess it's inevitable. I'm still holding onto a hope that this is all just a bad dream. I've tried calling my mom a few times but her phone goes straight to voice mail.

That already tells me that it's not a dream. "Hey, Quinn, tell me what's wrong. I'm here for you." He leans over and touches my hand resting on the table. I turn to the side, deciding to look at the beach instead.

"My ex showed up. He's got my mom hostage and he's forcing me to be his girlfriend."

I notice him stiffen out the corner of my eye. "What?" He asks slowly. I let out a sigh. It sounds completely ridiculous but Corbin has got me tied up in his chains and I can't seem to find a way to escape it.

"He's got your mom hostage?" I finally look at him and see a mixture of anger and shock all over his face. I nod. "What's his name?" His jaw clenches.

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter."

"Quinn, tell me his name." He says sternly. His voice rises a little and he looks around to make sure no one is watching us. "Corbin. Corbin Vega." He nods slowly. I avoid his stare by turning back to the beach. I spot him take his phone out and I almost sigh in relief from telling him but what now?

I'm still stuck in the situation with no way out. Maybe I should notify the police. Maybe they can try to help me. "I'm thinking of going to the police. I've tried reaching my mom but she hasn't called back." He shakes his head. "You don't need to. I've got it covered?"

I look at him in confusion. "What?"

"What I mean is, don't worry your pretty little head about that asshole. I've got you okay?" His words remind me of Holt's and I feel a little flutter in my stomach. "Okay."

We eat our ice cream in silence. People walk past our table having their own conversations. I watch them as they enter the parlor and leave with different kinds of ice cream. I'm brought back to when my mom used to buy me ice cream every second week. That tradition stopped once I turned sixteen but I'd do anything to bring it back.

To have her by my side while we sit in the park and have our ice cream. A time when both of us weren't as busy and we let the wind blow through our hair.

Once we're finished eating, we go back to my apartment. I'm just about to open the car door when he stops me. "I was wondering, can I stay over?" Ji asks me. I tilt my head in confusion. "What do you mean stay over?"

"Like a sleepover. I wanna make sure you'll be safe during the night." I shake my head. "You can't." There's no way I can let him in my apartment. I already let Leo see the dump I'm living in. Ji won't like me as much once he sees the inside of my apartment. No matter how nice I try to make it look, it'll always end up being a dump.

"Quinn, I already told you, I won't judge you. I would never judge you." I wasn't to refuse and save myself the embarrassment but something about his words makes me rethink it.

If Bronwyn can let guys into our apartment, maybe I can too. I somehow trust that Ji would never judge me and his words bring some sort of comfort over me.

"What about Lumi?"

"Kelsey's looking after her. Don't worry." I'm a bit hesitant but I nod. "Alright but you'll have to sleep on the couch." He grins. "That's fine with me."

The elevator ride feels awkward to me. I fiddle with my fingers while he's on his phone. The elevator music is deafening and I hear the familiar ding sound as the doors open. He doesn't say anything as we walk down the hallway, past the peeling wallpaper. He doesn't say anything once the smell of damp clothes hit us full force.

I unlock the door and we step inside. I gesture to the couch and he makes his way to it after I close and lock the door. "Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Water?"

He shakes his head. "No thanks." He pats the spot next to him. "Come sit here." I place my keys on the counter and walk over to him before sitting next to him. I'm aware of our thighs touching and I get a tingle throughout my body.

He goes into the game Subway Surfers and we take turns playing it. I manage to beat his highscore each time which surprises me.

Time passes and it's eight pm. Bronwyn messaged me saying she's staying at Tobias' house. I get up to make noodles but Ji tells me to sit down and let him order pizza. We order two pizzas and watch a horror series on Netflix while we eat. After eating my fourth slice, I feel a bit drowsy and my eyes close a couple of times. I wake up to find my head on Ji's shoulder and I sit up.

"You okay?" He asks, pausing the screen. I nod. "Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed. I'll bring you Bronwyn's pillow and blankets. Are you sure you're fine sleeping on the couch?" He nods. "Of course. Where else would I sleep?" He chuckles.

I stifle a yawn. "You could sleep in my bed and I could sleep on the couch." He shakes his head. "I'm fine here Quinn. I promise."

I get up and get the blankets and pillow from Bronwyn's room before closing the pizza boxes. Ji makes himself as comfortable as he can on the couch. "Night." I call out. His hand shoots out and he grabs my wrist. I look at him in confusion as he pulls me gently toward his face. He hoists himself up and looks into my eyes before he places a soft kiss on my forehead.

My whole body heats up as I gaze into his eyes. "Sleep well Quinn." He lets go of my wrist and I make my way to my room quickly, shutting the door and sitting on my bed.

My face is on fire. No way did he just do that. Maybe he does really like me. Maybe he didn't say all that for show. I've been doubting it for a while. There's no way he can like me after seeing me for just a few days. I grab my phone and dial my mom's number like I've been doing for the whole of yesterday. I press the call button and put the phone to my hear, hearing the familiar ringing sound.

"Come on mom, you've got to be okay." I say silently into the speaker. I'm met with a robotic voice that says I'm led to voice mail.

I look up at the ceiling, willing myself not to cry as I toss my phone next to me. I lie down and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm the next morning. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up before switching my alarm off. I check my battery. "Crap. I should've let my phone charge overnight." I put my phone in the charger and tie my hair up before putting my slippers on.

I fold my arms across my chest and open my door, peeking out into the living room.

I'm surprised when I see the pizza boxes gone and the couch empty except for the blankets folded up neatly and the pillow on top of it.

Where's Ji? I walk to the banlthroom and knock on the door before opening it but he's not there. He must've left. But why? I can't believe he left without saying anything. I put water in the kettle and let it boil before I go to the bathroom to shower.

After that, I make myself coffee and get dressed in my uniform. I put my makeup on in Bronwyn's room and finish my coffee. Just as I'm about to grab my phone and bag, there's a knock on the door.

My heart leaps. That has to be Ji.

I place my cup down on the counter and hurriedly open the door.

I freeze.

"You're finally alone huh?"


I bet we all know who that is :(
What do you think will happen?
And where do you think Ji went?

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